Nine Swords • So, Elite Dungeons...
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So, Elite Dungeons...

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:23 am
by Aldric
'Sup all

Big shoutout to the cabalites who ran a couple of random dungeons with me this morning, especially Mooncide, who surely was gaming at the edge of his seat during the whole performance.
Well, we decided to test something out, and that's what I want to talk about in this little post. Requirements that have to be met for Elite dungeons. Now I have been running elites in SWL since the day they came out, so I've seen my fair share already. But this time we decided to go into dungeons with moderate DDs (one of them being only a recent lvl 50), and poor Moon, who also did not spend much time on lvl 50 yet as a healer. As for tanks? Well, that was part of the weird idea: Me. A DD. No, I don't have any tank weapons levelled, so I had to tank via pure dps... which means I couldn't really stack HP. So there we were, a tank with barely 6k hp with pots and pistols/blood, a fresh 50 healer, an even fresher 50 dd, good ol' Dez and one poor soul we managed to drag with us. Yuriksha, Samcon, thank you for joining us!

So, why am I writing this?
Well, first of all because cabalites are awesome, and then to tell all that while these dungeons do require some understanding of the mechanics (which you get pretty fast if you fail them), they are not overly demanding in terms of gear. Knowledge, in these cases, trumps equipment by far. By FAR. However, I do not only mean the knowledge of dungeon mechanics, but also the knowledge of your own build - and the potential ways to adjust it. That is maybe the most important thing of all, and even Sun Tzu said that when you know your enemy but not yourself, your victories will always carry loss. Or something among these lines.
(some exception is the Hell Raised dungeon's Recursia bossfight. That dps check is heads above all other kinds of checks in elite 1. We still beat it though.)

Bottom point being:Don't be afraid to do elite dungeons because of lower gear. NEVER. You're curious about elies? Good. But you surely want to gear up, yes? Then just say so! There are usually people on who'll join in for an elite run, fairly often a whole group can be made, too! And the elite 1 dungeons are easy enough to not worry much about your gear. A pretty fresh lvl 50 healer got a DD char through a couple dungeons, after all! And if you're with cabalites, then learning stuff is not a problem, either.

So shoulders back, and fear nothing!
At least not us. First one at Eblis gets to sparta-kick him off the spire!

Re: So, Elite Dungeons...

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:45 am
by Katelin
I loved reading this. Thank you for posting about one if the things I appreciate most about 9S.

You all rock :)

Re: So, Elite Dungeons...

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:51 am
by BrokenPieces
Awesome post. :) Thanks for encouraging.

Re: So, Elite Dungeons...

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:06 am
by LeMort
Great post, man!



Re: So, Elite Dungeons...

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:24 am
by Yuriksha
Hmm. Inspirational. It about makes me go haul that blue, probably Radiant, belt out of the bank and wonder what else I can put with it without interfering with my Accurates, because, after all, I did roll a Trickster. Chaos magic keeps me alive every day. So I shouldn't discount developing tank potential sooner rather than later.

Recursia's triggerbeasts give me fits. I always run out of energy spazzing out trying to stop them.