Nine Swords • NYR E5 For Real! (31 Jan 2018 @ 1900 UTC)
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NYR E5 For Real! (31 Jan 2018 @ 1900 UTC)

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:19 pm
by Phanth
NYR E5 for real! Please meet the following requirements to sign-up;

Tank/Healer ip 500+ (max 2 tank, 2 healers)

DPS ip 700+ (max 2 melee dps)

1. Phanth - Anyrole (melee dps)
2. Healer - 685 (preferred)
3. Ezraell - Tank 565

Re: NYR E5 For Real! (31 Jan 2018 @ 1900 UTC)

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:23 pm
by Shadowcat-x
Healer 685 (preferred). My DPS doesn't quite make the cut (695)

Re: NYR E5 For Real! (31 Jan 2018 @ 1900 UTC)

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:02 pm
by Ezraell
Tank 565, if you believe I am fit for the role. I won't have any hard feelings if you'd have someone else for the role.

Though there are two remarks I have :
1. I would make EffectsUI mandatory !
Curse's page for Effects UI - Click here
You get a sweet warning for
  • Shadow out of Time
  • Incoming Pod
  • "Name" is Podded !!
  • Many other warnings in different dungeons
2. Use VoIP ! Discord is our friend. Why aren't we using it to communicate faster and better?
Not everybody has to speak, but everybody should listen to the Raid Leader and warnings.


Re: NYR E5 For Real! (31 Jan 2018 @ 1900 UTC)

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:10 pm
by Ezraell
Out of Topic. I've got trouble signing into Mel's SM+E1 NYR for today.
When I click the link to the SignUp thread I get a "Information
You are not authorised to read this forum."
I double checked and am well logged on my account.
Something might be wrong either with my privileges or the thread - I see I've been assigne to Zweihänder on the forum, maybe that's the cause?

Re: NYR E5 For Real! (31 Jan 2018 @ 1900 UTC)

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:50 pm
by Mellified
Ezra - I have the same problem trying to access the sign up from the event list.

Kate did the link for me - so it must be something about her access rights.

I've added you as tank whether you wanted to or not :)

You can always access it through the noticeboard.

Re: NYR E5 For Real! (31 Jan 2018 @ 1900 UTC)

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:46 pm
by Uragon
Ezraell, I'm not sure if you're aware of it... but Discord is a big red flag for us. The first and last time I ended up removing people from the cabal was over this specific product and the subcommunities it produces. Plus, I really have reservations over making things like voice chat or addons mandatory. As for the links, be sure to make them either relative or go to, not to This host will work as well, but you'll have trouble staying logged in because the cookies don't carry over from one server name to the other.

Re: NYR E5 For Real! (31 Jan 2018 @ 1900 UTC)

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:21 pm
by Ezraell
Indeed I am not aware of any altercations that might have happened previously within the Cabal.
I can understand you are not using VoIP in order to prevent the problems from re-occuring but banning or avoiding is never a solution.

As it concerns the addon, it is a safety measure that hardly is a bother (the installation takes a minute), has the potential of saving one's life and can prevent a full blown wipe. Sounds a lot like a vaccine, ain't it?

I must agree though on the fact that the word "mandatory" may not fit well.
I would rephrase it : "I would highlight the benefits of installing Effects UI and suggest that it might help us forge our efforts into a collective success."

Re: NYR E5 For Real! (31 Jan 2018 @ 1900 UTC)

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:22 pm
by Katelin
If voice chat were to be used for any event, then we have a cabal mumble server.

If you want to continue discussions about pros and cons of communication, can we please do it away from the sign up thread? :)