Nine Swords • Let your geek flag fly
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Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:56 am
by Shadowcat-x
In the interest of getting to know each other (and because when can we NOT resist talking about our geeky hobbies) lets talk about our favorite geek topics. I'm pretty sure we all have something geeky that we're passionate about, or why would we be playing this game. Here's some of my favorite things:

Dr. Who (Matt Smith vs. Tom Baker. . . discuss)
D&D Tabletop roleplaying (2nd ed., 3rd ed., 5th ed. . . your thoughts?)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Run AWAY!)
The Princess Bride (He's only MOSTLY dead)
Labyrinth (David Bowie in pants so tight you can tell what religion he is. . .yes please)

Re: Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:29 pm
by Gebbeth
My problem with Dr Who is that I never watched it before Chris Eccleston - and I thought he was PERFECT for the role. I also enjoyed David Tennant quite a bit. Matt Smith was intolerable, but I stuck with it long enough to reach Peter Capaldi who truly took quite a while to get used to, but was also good for the role, in my opinion. I tried to binge-watch earlier Dr. Who, but really couldn't get into any of that.

AD&D and Traveler were a big part of the 80's for me (high school) - we had BOTH genders in our groups and games would become parties and vice-versa, dated a few of those girls too - good times!

Monty Python, Princess Bride, and Labyrinth are all just classic, must see, extremely quote-worthy movies which the right kind of person can truly enjoy. Jennifer Connelly eyebrows - arguably more distracting than Bowie's magic rabbit.

Re: Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:46 pm
by Shadowcat-x
My sister keeps complaining about how hard it is to meet decent guys, and I keep telling her she needs to get into gaming. I met my sweetie through gaming (we've been together 15+ years now) and IMO the couple that games together, stays together. I feel so sorry for this one gaming buddy of mine who had to drop out of the Sunday game because his wife told him he wasn't spending enough time with the kid. If his wife were also a gamer, they'd have gotten that kid a character sheet (I'm thinking half-orc barbarian, cause a brain dead noob can play a half-orc barbarian) and all three of them would be at the Sunday game :-P

Re: Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:26 pm
by Gebbeth
As long as...

You know, we also do sailing, archery, pool, getting into motorcycles again. Real world time is at least almost as important!

I have a handicap too in that my lovely bride is quite incapable of getting into any sort of gaming - weird. But, that kinda frees up my 'behavior' online since she's not standing behind me :twisted:

Re: Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:26 pm
by Cherrie
I also met me sweetie through gaming, WoW to be precise. We are only going on 6 years though but we liked each other enough to move states and have a kid (on purpose lol) together. He is starting a new d&d(5th) campaign where I will be a future beast master but he is making us start from before we have actual classes. Kira is the local poop master; the stench follows her around everywhere but she doesn't notice it and it doesn't stop her from flirting with everyone. I am excited to see how the story leads her to the path of an epic adventurer.

Ghost-can't your friend just bring the kid to the sessions? Then mom gets free time, kid gets dad time, and dad gets gaming time. Win Win Win

Re: Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:31 pm
by Shadowcat-x
I'm just as glad the kid isn't coming to the sessions if they're not gaming. I don't like kids on the best of days, but I'm willing to put up with them if they're contributing to the adventuring party :-D

I've not played 5th edition, but I liked 4th ed. How is it different? The thing I liked about 4E was that a "caster" never had to break out a crossbow because they were out of spells. You always had a damage dealing "basic spell" that you could revert to when everything else was used up. It was kind of like Cantrips in 3.5, but actually USEFUL.

Playing 4E was the only time I ever managed to play a caster past 4th level without giving up in disgust. My Tiefling Warlock (Callystaphryx) had the dark pact, so every time she killed an enemy, she got temporary hit points. She basically armored herself in the devoured souls of her enemies, which made her a badass DPS/Tank :twisted:

@Gebbeth: Is your archery target shooting or hunting? There's bow season for deer, but I've never tried it. Seems like that would be a lot more fair and equitable than hunting them down with an assault rifle, that's for sure ;-)

Re: Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:56 pm
by Dhante
For me it took some time before I was introduce to the geek world. I guess being french canadian was kind of a problem since most of the fun stuff were in english. Anime and video games was pretty much as geeky as I could get when I was in high school and college. Those whole board game part of my life came about 5 years ago and it's awesome!

I have spend a lot of time and money on buying board games and playing with my wife and friends. All that lead to D&D 5e, when one of my friend bought the books and started his own campaign. It was fun but the problem was that not everyone around the table were able to get serious about their character and RP. We tried a lot of different concepts and new campaign but it was always the same thing. There was a lot of time where half of our session was juste talking about everything else but D&D. That turned me off and ever since, I have not played D&D with them. But right now, I'm working on a D&D: SWL and try it out with some other friends and my wife.

I am not the most geeky person in the world and I may not get all the references from geeky tv shows. I have only recently watched all the Star Wars movies and Back to the Future. But hey, I know a lot about anime!

@Ghostchilde - Gaming is a wonderful place to meet people. I have meet my bestfriend through the game Hellgate: London. He his now the godfather of my boy and I'm the godfather of his.

Re: Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:30 pm
by Gebbeth
Archery (and pistols), we just shoot at paper - me, my wife, and both of my boys. My daughter is a good shot as well but rarely joins us.

As for my own geek - grew up watching original series Star Trek religiously and reading SciFi before Star Wars made it popular - back in the day, science fiction was weird and rare, not the norm. Also I was big into Tarzan (and John Carter) and Conan novel serieses - I still have all Conan books published from the 1930's up into the 1980's where I gave up collecting them - never got into Savage Sword (Conan comics series) though.

Re: Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:24 am
by ChasualBob
Just gonna Add to the list of topics Now but:

I Play shadowrun and dsa(das schwarze auge or the Black/Dark eye) One and paper
I do Fantasy larp
David tennant is the BEST doctor ;p

Woh Watcher Dark in netflx?i

Thats all for Now. (Leaving that Comment fort reminders)

Re: Let your geek flag fly

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:49 pm
by Shadowcat-x
I admit David Tennant has a lot going for him. A quirky smile and all that lovely british snark that makes british TV worth watching. . . but can you deny that the Melody Pond/River Song story line was frikken AMAZING!

And on the subject of eyebrows, as Gebbeth mentioned. . . what about Peter Capaldi's "angry Scottish eyebrows". Even more distracting than Jennifer Connoley's IMO :-P