Nine Swords • (OOC) Just dropping by to say hi to Uragon and Katelin
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(OOC) Just dropping by to say hi to Uragon and Katelin

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:54 pm
by Broker

Seems I tracked you down at last. Forceboy here! Anyways, Dragons and then Templars?! I always pictured the two of you as Illuminati! Omni-Tek and all that.
Anyways, not totally into how the server/dimension structure is. I'm on Grim so if you ever pass by that server. Hit me up, and if cross-realm/server chat is possible you can always send me a tell!


See you around :)

Re: (OOC) Just dropping by to say hi to Uragon and Katelin

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:09 pm
by Katelin
Hi Forceboy :) Joining cabals is even possible cross server! Which faction did you choose?

Thanks for taking the time to drop by :D

Re: (OOC) Just dropping by to say hi to Uragon and Katelin

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:14 pm
by Uragon

Talking and playing cross server shouldn't be much of an issue. We're based on Arcadia, but meeting up is always possible. However Illuminati is something that absolutely won't do. :) Hope to talk to you soon ingame.

Re: (OOC) Just dropping by to say hi to Uragon and Katelin

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:54 pm
by Broker
I ended up as Illuminati, was just the logical choice for me. Can't resist gasmasks and all the similarities to Omni-Tek and when you look good in blue that helps too! Currently in Ragnarok's cabal on Grim (same Ragnarok that played AO for some time I think some of them actually still do.)

Can't escape AO in TSW. GOD I'm lovin TSW. :]

Oh well I'm always down for doing instances, missions or anything! Unless your totally forbidden to communicate with awesome Illuminatis such as myself. ;(

Working on the Mercenary Deck and then moving over to Slayer so if you need some pewpew DPS hit me up, still low QL but I'm getting there :]

See ya arounds! \o\ /o/

I'll check the thread now and then but best way to grab me is ingame. Broker is the name! TSW is the game - and being bored at work makes me into the master of puns!

Re: (OOC) Just dropping by to say hi to Uragon and Katelin

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:20 pm
by Uragon
Oh as long as it doesn't end up in RP metagaming, we sure don't have any rules that forbid us to talk to the other factions. Hey, and if you ever feel like making an alt with us we sure wouldn't bite your head off for being misguided about which side stands for true law and order. After all, we do own a sizable private army. ;)

Re: (OOC) Just dropping by to say hi to Uragon and Katelin

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:17 pm
by Kotts
Wasn't it Omni tek that called themselves lions?
Templars are the lions of the secret world... Hmmm

Re: (OOC) Just dropping by to say hi to Uragon and Katelin

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:20 pm
by Generator
Hey forceboy! Hope you're doing well; Maybe I'll poke you ingame sometime :)

Re: (OOC) Just dropping by to say hi to Uragon and Katelin

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:17 am
by Broker
Uragon wrote:Oh as long as it doesn't end up in RP metagaming, we sure don't have any rules that forbid us to talk to the other factions. Hey, and if you ever feel like making an alt with us we sure wouldn't bite your head off for being misguided about which side stands for true law and order. After all, we do own a sizable private army. ;)
No worries of it ending up in RP meta :] and who knows I might make an alt, but right now going to see how far I get before it "stagnates" on the main. Anyways always up for gaming cross-dimension until then! :)

Kotts wrote:Wasn't it Omni tek that called themselves lions?
Templars are the lions of the secret world... Hmmm
Was not aware Omni-Tek referred to themselves as lions but I might very well have a faulty memory or never connected those dots myself. The reason I felt there were similarities were mainly due to Illuminatis focus on corporation, Omni-Tek itself spawning from a biotech/farma-company into a hyper-corporation more or less controlling the galaxy, demanding blind loyalty.

Bu that is just my take on it :)

But then again with the motto "We bring order to chaos" one could even draw paralells towards Dragon.

Perhaps Omni-Tek really did spawn from all 3 secret societies and this is all the prequel to Anarchy Online 2 we only have to wait twenty-fifty years for launch?! Totally blew mah mind! x) Work work.

Generator wrote:Hey forceboy! Hope you're doing well; Maybe I'll poke you ingame sometime :)
Hey Gen! Sure do, I'm up for PvP, PvE, quests and just poking anytime! :)