Nine Swords • New Event Idea: Mystery Trip
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New Event Idea: Mystery Trip

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:17 pm
by Dirtybliss
Mystery Trip

Participation required: low
Pre-event organization required: high
Event organization required: no
Duration of the event: 1day+

This event is best suited for small cabals or cabals, which have players from different time zones. Organizer of the event will travel the world and take screenshots of himself in various places. Places should be picked carefully and could follow some particular pattern. Later all the screenshots should be posted on the cabal website, or any other place all the guildies can view them. After the screenshots have been posted everyone has a set period of time (it can be even several days) to visit those exact places and take their own screenshots in the same place. The person with the most matching screenshots wins. This event can be restricted to the low-level characters (ie character on the screenshot cannot be of level higher than 10 or something).
As for the actual original screenshots they would have to be taken in not commonly known or hard to reach places with probably some tips to the whereabouts on the background.

Another Twist to this for our Cabal could be that each picture that the Event Organizer takes and posts to our Cabal Website could be in a different but easily obtainable outfit. As well as taking a picture in that exact place throughout the week the person trying to get points for each picture will need to copy the person's Outfit as well.

Re: New Event Idea: Mystery Trip

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:25 pm
by Saunabath
That could be fun, we've had a little forum contest on the similar line of thought going before on so I could see people be interested.

Problem with limiting levels is that most play zones have a minimum level requirement, I think you need to be above lvl 20 just to get to Egypt. And with clothes the issue is that very few are shared between genders. Something like wearing the same colors could probably work.