Nine Swords • Wednesday NYR E10 training: 26th May 2021
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Wednesday NYR E10 training: 26th May 2021

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 2:38 pm
by Katelin
New York Raid E10 Training
Training continues!! Wednesdays from 12-05-2021 until 30.06.2021
17:00 UTC

Training has been a massive success, so Rifla and I have decided we are going to continue with it.

Whether you are new to 1k+ IP, well over 1k IP but are interested in new roles, or you are already E17 but want to come along to help and share your knowledge and help - get signed up!

We need to train so that no one feels carried, and everyone knows what they are doing! The feedback we have had so far is definitely that this is working.

How to get involved in 9S NY Raid E10 training:
1. Sign up with your name and IP also which of the following role(s) you either want to train in, or what you can do to help us train.

Tank 1 - Bird
Tank 2 - Hulk
Healer with cleanse
Filth placer (pure filth placement)
Filth placer with Cleanse and OS
DPS with OS / Cleanse / Expose
Pick up Mei-Ling
Pick up Rose

2. Make sure you know how to use the 9S E10 NY Raid specific discord.
(If you need help with this, ask in good time before the raid)

3. Read any guides you can before we start.

Re: Wednesday NYR E10 training: 26th May 2021

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 2:39 pm
by Katelin
Katelin: Tank (IP 1500+) / DPS (IP 1752)

Durendal: Healer (IP xx) / Filth placer / DPS

Rifla: Raid Caller (IP to the max!)

Re: Wednesday NYR E10 training: 26th May 2021

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 7:28 pm
by Xaoti
dps with any extra stuff, pick-ups or filthplacing

Re: Wednesday NYR E10 training: 26th May 2021

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 4:33 pm
by CarbonArc
carbon - dps/filth/pickups/CU/CS

Re: Wednesday NYR E10 training: 26th May 2021

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 5:44 pm
by Razorgrin
Razor - Filth placer (pure filth placement)
Filth placer with Cleanse and OS
DPS with OS / Cleanse

Re: Wednesday NYR E10 training: 26th May 2021

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 10:05 pm
by Razorgrin
I'm sorry I missed this like a big dummy, I wasn't paying attention to the time. >< Catch up with you next week!