Nine Swords • Waspstar's Christmas Prizes
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Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 10:56 am
by Waspstar
I will be doing a random prize draw on 23rd December.

To qualify, you must take part in at least 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas events. And since a couple of the events are very simple indeed, this should prove no problem for everyone! :D

The prizes are:

3rd Prize - 60 Resplendent Talisman Fragments
2nd Prize - 100 Resplendent Talisman Fragments
1st Prize - 300 Elaborate Glyph Fragments

* the prizes will go to three individual winners; one person can't win more than one.

Re: Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 2:02 pm
by Katelin
Hi Wasp - really fantastic event!
Would suggest drawing after the event on the 23rd incase that is someones 5th Event :D

Re: Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 2:15 pm
by Waspstar
No, problem -- I'll do it on the 24th :)

Re: Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:45 am
by Waspstar
Please help me out -- when / if you have taken part in 5 events, please post your name here.

I don't want to miss anyone out and it's hard to keep track! :)

Re: Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:02 pm
by Katelin
Overview for you so far, Wasp :)

12DAYS: Christmas Costume - Waspstar, Xzreasel (Event Finished)
12DAYS: Find all the words! - Xzreasel, Nexaros, Cassar, Xaoti (Event Finished)
12DAYS: If you were in a band - Cassar, Katelin, Xzreasel, Nexaros, Waspstar, Fractalis (Event Finished)
12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather? - Katelin, Cassar, Waspstar, Fractalis, Xzreasel, Xaoti, (Event Finished)
12DAYS: SWL A-Z of Christmas - Fractalis, Katelin, Waspstar, Cassar, Saunabath (Event Finished)
12DAYS: ... Clean up Kaidan! - Katelin, Cassar, Waspstar, Rifla, Xzreasel (Event Finished)
12DAYS: 9S Christmas Screenshots - Katelin, Durendal, Rifla, Waspstar, Cassar, Xzreasel, Bester, KellHound, Nexaros, Meowseetongue (Event Finished)
12DAYS: 9S Goals for 2022 - Katelin, Durendal, Rifla, Waspstar, Cassar, Xzreasel, Nexaros, Meowseetongue, Kellhound (Event Finished)
12DAYS: Hunting in the snow - Katelin, Cassar (Event Finished)
12DDAYS: Festive FUN Day! Waspstar & Fractalis (Event Finished)
12DAYS: Poems around the fire Waspstar, Katelin, Cassar, Rifla (Event Finished)
12DAYS: Twas the night before.... Waspstar, Cassar, Katelin

Re: Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:15 pm
by Waspstar
Thank you, that's really helpful!

Re: Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 9:00 pm
by Waspstar
Thank you for keeping the count, Katelin.

Participants in 5 or more events were Xzreasel, Cassar, and Katelin

I'll do the draw to decide 1st, 2nd, 3rd about* 1pm tomorrow.

Honourable mentions for Fractalis, Nexaros and Rifla, who joined 4 events each. You go into a consolation draw to win either a Winter Wisp or Siberian Husky, and maybe a bit of detritus from my inventory, but don't hold your breath on that :)

*I'm expecting much merry upheaval in RL tomorrow, so I'll get as close to that as I can ;)

Re: Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 7:36 am
by Waspstar
Allocated draw numbers:

3. Katelin

1stPrize.jpg (16.19 KiB) Viewed 820 times
2ndPrize.jpg (17.82 KiB) Viewed 820 times

1st Prize - Katelin
2nd Prize - Cassar
3rd Prize - Xzreasel

However, Katelin asked that the prize be shared between Cassar and Xzreasel, so awarded as follows:

Cassar - 100 talisman fragments + 150 glyph fragments
Xreasel - 60 talisman fragments + 150 glyph fragments

Will trade them to you both next time we meet

Re: Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 7:40 am
by Waspstar
Consolation prize numbers:


1stConsolationPrize.jpg (16.29 KiB) Viewed 819 times
2ndConsolationPrize.jpg (16.31 KiB) Viewed 819 times

Fractalis - Winter Wisp + something tbc
Nexaros - Siberian Husky + something tbc

Will trade to you next time we meet

Re: Waspstar's Christmas Prizes

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 12:46 pm
by Waspstar
All prizes now traded -- gratz, folks, and thanks for taking part!