Nine Swords • PVP dueling events.
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PVP dueling events.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:47 pm
by Kotts
Provided that TSW has some sort of /duel command here are a few common pvp events I’d like us to host.

Nine Swords Fight Night
Every Tuesday the Misericorde division will host a fight night. This is basicly a gathering of 9S members to gather and have friendly sparing matches. Good sportsmanship is encouraged. This is the time and place to test out new powers, builds, and combos. Have fun and aim for the head!

Nine Swords Tournaments
Every three months the Misericorde will hold a small tournament. Much like the Fight Night this is to encourage members to bring their ‘A-Game’. The brackets will be managed by Misericorde. Awards, and possible rewards will be given to those that place in the top four.

Nine Swords Grand Melee
Misericorde will host a server wide PVP tournament which will be an open invitation to all players and factions. Possibly consider themes each year like 2v2 or limiting to use of sword attacks.

Re: PVP dueling events.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:53 pm
by Maxwell Blue
Cool =) but Tuesday night? I'm not sure I'll have time then =P

Maybe you could have different time slots to accomodate the schedules of more members?

I have thought about this in the last days, too. Don't ask why, I don't know. But one thing you might add for further bragging rights and more flexible matchmaking could be a ladder for 9S members where you can challenge the players one or two ranks above you, to switch ranks with them, should you win.

Re: PVP dueling events.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:58 pm
by Kotts
Maxwell Blue wrote:Cool =) but Tuesday night? I'm not sure I'll have time then =P

Maybe you could have different time slots to accomodate the schedules of more members?

I have thought about this in the last days, too. Don't ask why, I don't know. But one thing you might add for further bragging rights and more flexible matchmaking could be a ladder for 9S members where you can challenge the players one or two ranks above you, to switch ranks with them, should you win.
Tuesday, 'just cause' . I'm open for changing it, or even doing more then one night. I'm open for dueling at anytime, but setting a time and date would possibly help draw more people in.

Ladder is a good idea too, maybe for the in house tournaments. The idea behind fight nights is more like a jam session, but with bullets, magic, and sharp(or blunt) objects.
If the difference between a skilled out player is much greater then one that just started 'last Thursday' then, yes we'll defiantly have to work out some sort of matching system.

Re: PVP dueling events.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:06 am
by Maxwell Blue
I just wanted to say when you'll set a time for an event that might exclude some players, but we'll see about that and there will be a solution I guess.

The ladder I had in mind was more a sort of a constant contest. Where you could challenge a player when he is on with you at the same time, allowing everyone to take part in the competition and experiment with builds while getting more bragging rights.

Re: PVP dueling events.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:11 am
by Kotts
Maxwell Blue wrote:I just wanted to say when you'll set a time for an event that might exclude some players, but we'll see about that and there will be a solution I guess.

The ladder I had in mind was more a sort of a constant contest. Where you could challenge a player when he is on with you at the same time, allowing everyone to take part in the competition and experiment with builds while getting more bragging rights.
Yeah, we'd defiantly have to find the best possible time. I'm not opposed to a few/several times and dates.

Ah, like a ranking system, yeah that could be doable. Have a Misericorde member come out and referee/record the results. Might end up poking Ura and Kate about some kind of simple ladder system on site that can be adjusted.

Re: PVP dueling events.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:11 pm
by Berrith
Hmm, I was gonna post that a ladder should be separate from the "sparring" nature of the fight nights, but then Max pointed out that not everyone could be on at the same time. The constant-ness of the ladder (or whatever system) might be nice for being more flexible in allowing progress in the system. But, at the same time, it would sort of take away from fight nights being more casual if there were stakes on the line. So perhaps if there is a constant ladder it should be available on all non-fight nights? If you still wanted to keep the casual, that is.

Re: PVP dueling events.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:41 pm
by Kotts
The more I see folks feelings/input on PVP the more I'm leaning toward not keeping a ladder for casual events like a fight night. Competition and aggression is great, but not in a setting that is to be fun and friendly. I have no issues in keeping a separate ladder for ranked duels, just not during one of these events.

Re: PVP dueling events.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:24 pm
by Cephas Ironclad