A great run!
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:33 pm
This story needs a little background. As many of you know my play times are pretty much in the morning/early afternoon EST. I do my 24/24 runs usually before most people in the US even think about playing video games, and a tad before many of our Euro players are off work. Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment so I rushed getting a team. This was a REALLY bad idea. We made it through Pol, but only by the skin on our teeth, and not in time for me to do HR or DW. So I go and come back to do the others. And it is even worse.
For HR it is a relaxed team, which in this case meant there was very little purple gear and some greens even. It was cool, I decided to toss it up as my good deed of the day. We failed on the last boss, but that was to be expected.
DW was where it went way down hill. I was on a team of Frenchmen, so communication was not the best. I joined because they called it a relaxed run, and I wanted very little stress at that point.
First boss we wipe 3 times. One of they asks me to please tank the adds. I had dropped CT in the middle and they would run around it to get at the adds, rather than shooting through it. A disagreement occurred. I realized by this point I was just flat out frustrated. The someone was running a hinder or impair, and there was just not enough communication to find out who it was. I stayed and helped them try the last boss 8 times. By then I could take no more.
I needed a break at that point. Which I took, and was thinking about skipping HE for the day.
Logged back in when my wife took my daughter to swim class. Decided I would run HE with cabal mates. Doob and Rav stepped up. We were able to get a healer and another DPS from the outside. This is where things get exciting. The non-Cabal DPS inspects us as soon as we are in. He declares our DPS is too low and we can't do this run. He leaves, and everyone agrees he is a Douche. So, I just grab another from the LFG tool. We soon realize that the new DPS's English is not that great, but he has an AWESOME attitude. The healer is like me, and all about helping new people.
Doob thinks he is undergeared, Rav says he has done it once or twice, and the other DPS has never done it in NM, and doesn't remember it in Elite. It is cool though. We run the first boss, takes us 4 tries to get in sync, but we get him. Then we get to the maze and no one has ever been the runner before. Rav, being the awesome dude he is, says he will do it. 3 Try he had it down, and I think we would have beat it, but it bugged and we got a freeby. On to the Lava monster.
We chumped the lava monster! One wipe, we run back and get him.
Then comes next boss where the adds must be pulled away from the main fight. Again Rav steps up, but this time the healer says he will teach him the run. So I grab the boss, and Rav and SgtMcEnzie take off on a training mission. We do this a few times, and Rav pretty much had it. So we do it for real. Rav is having a little trouble with corners, but he gets it down. Then it buggs. We wipe and come back to the blue wall being gone. NP, we can do it any way, except one of the big monsters runs out and aggros with us. It kills us, goes back in and starts fighting the boss! We all sat there watching this in fascination. Few tries and we beat her too.
On to the big 3. There is nothing really exciting about this fight. I do however want to thank Sam and Jenn for pushing me to get Rocket Jump. Best damn thing I have picked up in a while.
On the last boss, 2 tries and we spank him. Everyone got it down fast, and we took care of him.
It was not only the best run of the day, but maybe one of the best I have ever had in this game. It was full of joking, and had a total lack of stress. Rav and Doob were awesome, and I managed to add 2 new peopel to my friends list. I have to admit that taking 3 inexperienced people through HE was just great. The fact that two of them were Cabal mates made it even better. Knowing we got dumped by a douche, and still winning was even sweeter.
Doob, Rav, thank you so much for such a great run! 9S FTW!!!!
For HR it is a relaxed team, which in this case meant there was very little purple gear and some greens even. It was cool, I decided to toss it up as my good deed of the day. We failed on the last boss, but that was to be expected.
DW was where it went way down hill. I was on a team of Frenchmen, so communication was not the best. I joined because they called it a relaxed run, and I wanted very little stress at that point.
First boss we wipe 3 times. One of they asks me to please tank the adds. I had dropped CT in the middle and they would run around it to get at the adds, rather than shooting through it. A disagreement occurred. I realized by this point I was just flat out frustrated. The someone was running a hinder or impair, and there was just not enough communication to find out who it was. I stayed and helped them try the last boss 8 times. By then I could take no more.
I needed a break at that point. Which I took, and was thinking about skipping HE for the day.
Logged back in when my wife took my daughter to swim class. Decided I would run HE with cabal mates. Doob and Rav stepped up. We were able to get a healer and another DPS from the outside. This is where things get exciting. The non-Cabal DPS inspects us as soon as we are in. He declares our DPS is too low and we can't do this run. He leaves, and everyone agrees he is a Douche. So, I just grab another from the LFG tool. We soon realize that the new DPS's English is not that great, but he has an AWESOME attitude. The healer is like me, and all about helping new people.
Doob thinks he is undergeared, Rav says he has done it once or twice, and the other DPS has never done it in NM, and doesn't remember it in Elite. It is cool though. We run the first boss, takes us 4 tries to get in sync, but we get him. Then we get to the maze and no one has ever been the runner before. Rav, being the awesome dude he is, says he will do it. 3 Try he had it down, and I think we would have beat it, but it bugged and we got a freeby. On to the Lava monster.
We chumped the lava monster! One wipe, we run back and get him.
Then comes next boss where the adds must be pulled away from the main fight. Again Rav steps up, but this time the healer says he will teach him the run. So I grab the boss, and Rav and SgtMcEnzie take off on a training mission. We do this a few times, and Rav pretty much had it. So we do it for real. Rav is having a little trouble with corners, but he gets it down. Then it buggs. We wipe and come back to the blue wall being gone. NP, we can do it any way, except one of the big monsters runs out and aggros with us. It kills us, goes back in and starts fighting the boss! We all sat there watching this in fascination. Few tries and we beat her too.
On to the big 3. There is nothing really exciting about this fight. I do however want to thank Sam and Jenn for pushing me to get Rocket Jump. Best damn thing I have picked up in a while.
On the last boss, 2 tries and we spank him. Everyone got it down fast, and we took care of him.
It was not only the best run of the day, but maybe one of the best I have ever had in this game. It was full of joking, and had a total lack of stress. Rav and Doob were awesome, and I managed to add 2 new peopel to my friends list. I have to admit that taking 3 inexperienced people through HE was just great. The fact that two of them were Cabal mates made it even better. Knowing we got dumped by a douche, and still winning was even sweeter.

Doob, Rav, thank you so much for such a great run! 9S FTW!!!!