Nine Swords • Hey from a potential app.
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Hey from a potential app.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:27 am
by Tithian
Hey folks...

I'm considering throwing together an application, but I thought I'd pop in and have a talk first, considering the somewhat unconventional circumstances:

Up to now, I've been a part of a great Cabal, which unfortunately seems to be imploding, since we were recently informed that the leadership had lost interest in the game
and would prefer to disband the guild rather than let it rot. While I can relate to that, this leaves me (and a number of people that will stick with the game) into the unfortunate
position of having to find a new home. And considering the already high standards we were used to, we've become a bit picky :mrgreen:

So what I'd like to know is:

a) Are you open to a group of people applying together? We're mostly on the 30+ age category, drama-free and dedicated individuals.
Ideally we would like to stick together when transitioning to a new home

b) What time zone are you operating mostly in? Some of us are in the EU while others are in the US. Do you favor one side more than the other?
Additionally, do you have fixed events and the like (eg. NM nights, lair nights etc.). Playing in a group is what MMOs are about, right?

c) We are mostly PvE-minded people, although some like to dabble in RP. Do you have a specific area that you focus on (eg. dedicated RPers)

Looking forward to hearing from you

Re: Hey from a potential app.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:45 pm
by Katelin
Hi Tithian..

Firstly, I have to tell you that a few of us gamed for many years with a person with the character name "Tethian" - I would assume you aren't him, though it would be a great surprise if you said you were!

Also, I have to say - I am sorry to hear that your curent cabal is on the path to disbanding. It is always sad news to hear fellow Templar cabals are not doing so well, even if we may gain from the loss.

I will try to respond to your questions as best I as I can, perhaps some of our other members will also respond so you can also have their opinions.

A. Groups of people
For applying to the cabal, whether you were 1 person or 100, we would ask that you each use our application form and go through our application process. As you are coming as a group, it is a possibility that our recruiters would be happy chatting to a few of you at once after you apply (though this depends on number as the chat could be really chaotic and some people might not get the chance to talk at all.

We need to ensure that we are the right place for you to call home, just as much as you need to be firm in your minds that we are a good choice for you. We also dislike drama and I have to say (likely jinxing it all.. but heyho) that we have been really lucky that so many of our personalities and ways of being are so well matched.

B Time Zones
We have a pretty well populated EU and US membership, as well as people from other places of the world such as Asia and Australia. The US cabal members have been more organised at getting on with the NY Raid - but overall, we are all busy and active! There are nights that some members do set things, this does change / develop / increase as per demand and to encompass all the things our members are looking for.

Nine Swords loves doing, well.. pretty much everything. Whether someone wants to RP all the time, or never. The same with PvE and PvP.. we try to give our members the opportunities to get involved and to have fun. For RP specifically, I can say that a group are currently working on a new plot line for the cabal. But I shall say no more, its secret!! Our divisions allow people who specialise in an area to take on responsibilities, though this also should never hamper their activities in other gameplay areas.

If you can give us an idea of how many people you are likely to be bringing with you, we will do all we can to make our processes as painless as possible, while still upholding the guidelines we set ourselves. We are a bit picky too, but in a good way :D

Re: Hey from a potential app.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:58 pm
by Uragon
Oh, it was actually "Tethien". If that really means what I fear for the 7th, that would be a shame. We've had quite friendly relations with them in the past, would be sad to see them fade as a group.

Re: Hey from a potential app.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:13 pm
by Tithian
Well, never used Tethien as a nickname so it's just a coincidence 8-)

In any case, I have to say that I'm not representing everyone, just myself at this point. I am not here in an official capacity, whatsoever.

I just wanted to see what options there are out there in case the worst case scenario comes to pass. At this point there is an internal discussion going on on whether people can step up and lead without lowering our current operating standards, but we'll see how it goes. There was also a suggestion to seek out another cabal and do an unofficial merge of sorts which led me here (mostly because your policies and guild ethos is pretty close to ours).

I appreciate the answers, you pretty much covered everything that I needed to know.

Cheers ;)

Re: Hey from a potential app.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:47 pm
by Katelin
I apologise, I didn't even look up which cabal you were from - that really does suck to hear that the 7th. are not going well. We have a long past together from The Secret War and ARGing before that.

Feel free to give us a shout if you have any other questions.

- Katelin