Nine Swords • New York Raid Suspended
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New York Raid Suspended

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:47 pm
by Firearc
The Raid has been suspend until further notice. I will give this to Volen and the PVE Division to organize from here on out.

I would like to say what a pleasure it has been doing this with some really good friends, what an accomplishment it was to work towards beating it. I still remember that first Friday night we brought him down, how great it felt after all the weeks of struggling with it.

This cabal has always been so good at working together to reach a goal. When we first started NM and all we could do is beat the first few bosses of 18/18, only beating Ur Draug when Hoozer was there to tell us which way to run in the blue phase (yes I know we use to have blue phases). Progressing until we finally brought down MT omg..I think Sam and I share an equal love of him. Lets not forget the first time we got passed the second boss in Ankh, so many balls to the face... lol. Finally Hell Fallen when everyone said it could not be done with out using exploits.. but we all came together worked it out not only beat the 3rd but also the final boss (after a lot of swearing on our parts).

Okay enough of memory lane, my point is we have all put a lot of work and time to reach those goals and I have had a damn good time doing them and being part of a wonderful group of people!
Hopefully in the future someone else will pick up the torch and start another raid and find a way to run it better than we have in the past.
