Nine Swords • A history of Silas Paramore (aka Blood-Born)
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A history of Silas Paramore (aka Blood-Born)

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:50 pm
by Blood-Born
Quick Biographical history.

Silas Paramore was raised in an orphanage outside of Dublin, Ireland. At the age of 15 he left to live on his own (after being shunned by the others at the orphanage). From there he travelled around seeking shelter where he could find it. He never stayed in one place for too long for fear he would be driven away because of his abilities. He kept no permanent address or anything that would tie him down. During his travels he discovered he had a strong connection to Magic. He would always be drawn to places and people that had that kind of history. It didn't alway turn out to be a good thing and he would have to leave again to travel more. Silas lived this lifestyle for many years until he thought he had found a place that seemed to fit with him and a group that wasn't afraid of him.

The group was found in Egypt and very gladly took him in and even treated him with care. They even helped him gain some control over some of his abilities. He stayed with them for a few years instead of weeks. All of this newfound companionship and belonging came crashing down around him when the true intentions of the group came to light. By then though it was almost too late. Silas was meant to be a sacrifice in a corrupted blood ritual meant to bring about much destruction.
(See extended History below.)

Re: A history of Silas Paramore (aka Blood-Born)

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:51 pm
by Blood-Born
Extended History

Blood-Born Beginning

(A History of Silas Paramore)

Like most children who grew up with no family to speak of, Silas had difficulty adjusting. He always seemed to shy away from others. He rarely even showed his face outside his room at the orphanage. When he did venture outside, he would find a secluded spot far away from the other children. These actions of course brought out the cruelty that can often be found in children. The children of the orphanage would try to figure out new ways to tease and torment Silas. The strange thing about these attempts was they never seemed to work. The children would try to sneak up on Silas, but when they arrived at the place he was supposed to be, he was always gone. It was as if he knew they were coming. As he grew older, the teasing turned to shunning. Even the directors and staff of the orphanage would keep away from him. People would speak in hushed tones, whisperings that would cease when he entered the room. The whisperings turned to rumors which spread throughout the town near the orphanage in Ireland. If Silas were to venture into the town, people would quickly get off the streets. They would shut their doors and windows and stay inside until he left.

Some of the rumors going around were that Silas was a child of the devil himself or that he would get inside your head and find out your deepest secrets. Others spoke of him being possessed or cursed. The people of the town, as well as the surrounding area, were extremely superstitious. The strange thing about all of this was that Silas seemed almost completely unaffected by it. When he would walk down the street he always seemed to be smiling as if he knew something the others didn't. Of course that gave fuel to the fire concerning the actions of the townspeople. To the people of the area, Silas was a pariah. A child of darkness sent as a curse on the town.

When Silas reached the age of 15, he left the orphanage. He had still not found a family, so he packed his few belongings and set out away from the town, never looking back. At this stage of his life is where Silas found his biggest struggles were only just beginning. He rarely had a place to rest and he always seemed to find the worst kind of people. So he would gather his things and continue on his journey. For years he traveled around, never staying in one place for too long.

As he got older, strange things began happening to Silas. Unexplainable things. Things would suddenly burst into flames, when he was frightened, or the area around him would get really cold. If he found himself in a situation that made him uncomfortable the electricity would flicker. If someone tried to grab him or harm him, that person or people would become violently ill. These events had the same effect as he experienced at the orphanage. The only difference was that instead of shutting their doors and windows, people would chase him away or try to kill him. Too many times Silas found himself running for his life away from some angry mob.

As time went on, the Strange things got more potent and stranger. Just when he thought he had gotten a handle on some sort of control, something else would happen and he would be forced to leave again before someone came after him. He learned to stay hidden and away from other people. It was almost like the orphanage again, only this time his life depended on it.

To make matters worse, Silas became aware that he was picking up on people emotions around him. This almost drove him to insanity. He couldn't tell the difference between what he was feeling and what the others were feeling. He spent many a night in the fetal position trying to find some peace. He began to seek places with no people around for miles just so he could rest and sleep. It was in these places of sanctuary that Silas would have the strangest dreams. He would dream he was standing at the base of this enormous tree whose branches extended way out into the cosmos. There he would hear this music that would make him want to follow its song. Each time the Music would lead to a different branch of the tree. Where the song ended, Silas found a beautiful woman sitting on the branch at which point he would wake up. After a while, he began to notice that he was able to distinguish between his feelings from those that he picked up from others. It was no longer overwhelming him. He also noticed that the uncontrolled outbursts of power were fewer as well.

Now that he had gained control and had found his place of safety, Silas began to actually seek the company of others. Those he sought out always seemed to have something to do with the occult. It was as if he was drawn to them. This was true of items as well as people. Somehow he could feel the power of the Talismans these people possessed. He couldn't explain it, he just knew it was there. He was also drawn to places of power as well, Stonehenge, Easter Island, New Orleans, Egypt, just to name a few.

It was in Egypt that Silas found this pull could be potentially deadly and that power was not always good. While in Egypt, Silas came into contact with a group of people who were intrigued by his abilities and offered to help him shape them and gain better control. Thinking he had found what he was looking for, Silas gladly went with them. After several months they moved from Egypt to just outside London. Silas began to notice a subtle changes in the attitudes of his new "friends" after the move. They began focusing on Silas' ability to directly connect with nodes of power and nothing else. If he tried to talk about something else he was politely rebuffed. The strangest change was that he was being waited on as if he were royalty. It made him uncomfortable. When he asked the leaders about it, the only response he got from them was, "Your gift is unique and special. The others only want to encourage and show their appreciation for you joining our ranks".

After 6 months of being with this group of people, Silas still didn't know that much about them. So He began to try and see if he get something more from their emotions. He kept picking up, Joy, Excitement, Relief and a feeling of anticipation rewarded. Like something they had been waiting for had finally arrived when he got there. When he tried to bring it up, this time, He was scolded like a child who had gotten into the cookie jar or had found something he wasn't supposed to find.

About a week later, one of his attendants brought Silas a really wonderful meal. When he asked why, the attendant only smiled and left the room. As the Attendant was leaving, Silas began to feel strange. Sleepy and groggy. He was awakened several hours later chained to some sort of circular stone table. It was dark and huge black and red candles were lit all around him. Struggling to get free, he could hear chanting and singing coming from all around him. The emotions radiating from everyone felt wrong, twisted somehow. He didn't not want to be there. He had the urge to escape. Suddenly the chanting and singing stopped. Someone who appeared to be the High Priestess grabbed his face and forced him to drink this concoction that tasted like something mixed with blood. He began to feel strange as if he was no longer in his body.

Silas realized he wasn't in his body anymore. He was actually looking down at himself on the table, which turned out to be an altar. He could see the people surrounding him and the High Priestess saying some sort of incantation over him with a knife raised above her. Scared and confused, Silas didn't know what to do. Only one thought came to mind, the lady from his dreams. He knew she had to be real. How else would he have found the peace he was looking for or the control he needed? But here, now, he was helpless. His spirit called out and cried, "HELP ME! Please, Help me!"

As if waiting for his plea, the woman appeared next to him. "I am here", she said. Frantically, Silas pleaded with her to help him. Her face saddened as she replied, "I wish I could, My child. For me to do so, I would hurt you more deeply than these people around you would." Silas cried out once more. "Please, I beg you. Do something. What they are trying to do is meant to hurt you, not me. I can feel it in their thoughts and emotions. They wished to bring about your end." Again she replied with sadness. " I know. I have always known their intent. I can not interfere. I can only provided the means for my children to defend me. Children like you".

Feeling the heartbreak of the woman, was more than Silas could bear. Looking down at his body just laying there helpless only added to his distress. He turned his face from the woman beside him to hide the tears. " Then what am I to do? I can't just let them hurt you. In one of the dreams I had about you, you told me that you were all around me. That I had a direct connection to you. Then give me the means to defend you". She smiled at him as she held out her hand. "I already have. All you have to do is use it. You must return to your body now. Remember my words: I am always with you". As she faded from sight a blinding source of light stood where she once did. Silas marveled at the feel of the energy. It was pure. It was raw power. It was the life blood of the woman he had come to know in his dreams. He reached out and placed one hand on his body with the other he reached for the light. Almost instantaneously, Silas was jolted back into his body, but he brought the energy with him. The force of raw power surged through him and his physical body convulsed with searing pain. Five pulses of energy burst forth from his ravaged body taking form around him as he faded into unconsciousness.

In the physical world, no time had passed at all. The High Priestess continued her incantation with the knife above her head. As she bent down to place the dagger on Silas' chest, his body arched and convulsed as if he were in pain. A pulse of pure energy forcefully hurled the Priestess back away from the altar. Four more pulses emanated from Silas' body in succession. As the light from the energy pulses faded, Silas' unconscious body was surrounded by four figures with a fifth hovering above him. Each of the four had weapons drawn and took a defensive stance. The fifth had wings spread and hands outstretched.

As the figures came more into focus, the people gathered around began to gasp. Some even began backing away. They knew these figures. They recognized them from their own texts. The first, which hovered over the altar, was almost human. A beautiful woman with huge Golden wings. She was a manifestation of Isis. The others were similar. One looked like Anubis and carried a huge staff with a crescent blade on the top. Another bore the image of Sekhmet with fiery swords in each hand. Another took the form of Bast with claws and teeth bared. The last took the form of Thoth with a brightly glowing opened book in his hand.

The scene after the arrival of the Manifestations of the gods and goddesses broke into complete chaos. The High priestess lie dead on the ground where she had been blasted. The ones closest to the altar were torn to shreds. The others attempted to flee, but fell to the ground, dead, as a fiery breeze blew over them. Others were found almost mummified, like all of there fluids had been drained. No one was left. All that attended the ritual were dead. Raw Power surged through the ground and left it scorched. The only survivor was Silas, body still convulsing with pain, still unconscious and power pouring from him like an open wound.

Hours later others arrived. Apparently the outburst had gotten the attention of those within the Secret World. The Templars were the first to arrive. They managed to contain the rift and clean the area before anyone else could get there. Silas was transported to a Templar facility where tests were run and he could be watched until he recovered.