Nine Swords • Alpha Squad pVp Night
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Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:09 pm
by Volen
Lets do a 'warm up' just too see where we are if you're available this week.
Focus is SH, but if the queue is very long we may have to do ED runs.

If we have missing members, we'll just pug from within and without.

- V

Re: Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:12 am
by Oimarak Soul

I guess I am confused at the start and end time for this event. The "planning" post said 8PM CST. When we spoke in chat I doubled checked the play times. As I read all the times everyone posted they all posted 8PM CST or earlier. Now this first time out is 9PM running to 11PM. I'm sorry and very disappointed. The 8 - 10 PM window was the latest time slot I will be able to commit to during a work weeknight. Bumping this an hour has effectively bumped me out. :(

Good hunting.


Re: Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:09 pm
by Volen
Oimarak Soul wrote:Volen,

I guess I am confused at the start and end time for this event. The "planning" post said 8PM CST. When we spoke in chat I doubled checked the play times. As I read all the times everyone posted they all posted 8PM CST or earlier. Now this first time out is 9PM running to 11PM. I'm sorry and very disappointed. The 8 - 10 PM window was the latest time slot I will be able to commit to during a work weeknight. Bumping this an hour has effectively bumped me out. :(

Good hunting.

I'm showing it from 8-10 CST... are you sure you have your local times in your preference set correctly?

Re: Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:57 am
by Oimarak Soul
Yesterday this said 9 to 11, today it says 8pm to 10. Did you switch it?
Anyway, I can do 8 to 10.


Re: Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:28 am
by Volen
scoreboard.jpg (71.79 KiB) Viewed 3383 times
Well, I couldn't find the team picture, but I did find the last scoreboard from tonight - First Cut outing by Alpha Squad: Volen, Oim, Kadyn, Cymer, and Sconcon (who had to head out early, but we were, where able to pick up a PI member to fill out the team - Diem).
2 1 0 (two wins, 1 second, no lasts)
for the evening! And this was against some very nice dragon and lumie pre-mades.
Thanks guys for coming out, I'm looking forward to more of these!
- Volen

Re: Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:22 pm
by Snocone
Sorry I missed it!

Was this you guys?


Re: Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:02 pm
by Snocone

Also it might be a good idea to announce we're running a pre-made in #pvp - to give people fair warning & a chance to respond with their own pre-made :)

Join #PVP Chat!

Re: Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:12 pm
by Oimarak Soul
The topic for this is Alpha Squad pVp Night, which was the pre-made group Volen put together already. The sign up is so we know who on the team is or is not showing up. The time frame for the PVP is/was from 8PM to 10PM CST. If the Alpha team member(s) decline the event in advance then everyone can see we will need to fill the spot and can make a play for it I suppose. Declining in advance if you cannot make it (referring to the Alpha team members) would certainly be a courtesy for others.

I am commenting on this to help clear up confusion for next week, of course. Also, to suggest that no one already be in PVP or in a group they have to bow out of at 8PM. Keeping the rest waiting isn't fun for those waiting, especially since there is a limited amount of play time and plenty of advanced notice.

Please have mumble installed and on (good to go) by play time.

There was, and still is I would guess, and opportunity for the second team to form.

I hope this is helpful.


P.S. We ran one ED (came in second) and 3 SH (2 wins, 1 second). Please correct me if I got this wrong. Awesome time!!!

Re: Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:26 pm
by Snocone
The topic for this is Alpha Squad pVp Night, which was the pre-made group Volen put together already. The sign up is so we know who on the team is or is not showing up. The time frame for the PVP is/was from 8PM to 10PM CST. If the Alpha team member(s) decline the event in advance then everyone can see we will need to fill the spot and can make a play for it I suppose. Declining in advance if you cannot make it (referring to the Alpha team members) would certainly be a courtesy for others.

I am commenting on this to help clear up confusion for next week, of course. Also, to suggest that no one already be in PVP or in a group they have to bow out of at 8PM. Keeping the rest waiting isn't fun for those waiting, especially since there is a limited amount of play time and plenty of advanced notice.

Please have mumble installed and on (good to go) by play time.

There was, and still is I would guess, and opportunity for the second team to form.

I hope this is helpful.


good luck with this PVP group all :)


Re: Alpha Squad pVp Night

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:47 pm
by Oimarak Soul
This PvP group was including you. That other guy was a pug pick up after you left. We all know how it goes when real life calls (which is why I can only play until 10PM CST).

Nine-Swords pVp 5-Person Pre-Made - Alpha Squad
1. Volen
2. Snocone
3. Kadyn
4. Oimarak Soul
5. Kymer