Nine Swords • Cabal PR at game launch
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Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:04 pm
by Katelin
I would like to do some visual PR via a set of "banners" - 600 x 300 size, using TSW screenshots / artwork and all including one of our many tag lines as well as our website address. If anyone would like to be creative with me - I would definitely appreciate it.

If anyone has any other suggestions on how we can ramp up our efforts, PR wise, up to launch - please let me know.

Re: Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:22 am
by Debora
Maybe there are some ppl in the cabal who can make a nifty video.
Also i think its important to get the cabal going in game as soon as possible. The earlier ppl see the nine swords tag, the better.

Re: Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:18 pm
by SirVent
I know a graphic designer who MIGHT be able to come up with some concepts for you.
I don't know what his schedule is like since he lives across the Atlantic. But if this appeals to you, lemme know.

Re: Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:35 pm
by Katelin
Video would be great - I certainly don't have the skills to create a video, but as for drawing up storyboards - this is something I can do. I would also be willing to provide my English accent for recording any spoken text - though I don't do London accents :p

Ven, if your friend is interested in making a video for us - for free - then sure, feel free to ask. Always good to know where we might be able to get help from if noone within the cabal can do this.

Re: Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:16 am
by Pride
I'm all for making (in-game) videos. Just tell me what you want/need and I'll see what I can do as soon as I get my hands on that beta!

Speaking of.. I could use some "9S logos" and artwork and stuff for my video making!

Re: Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:52 am
by Katelin
The logo with just the swords in is easy - but please give me an idea of which other graphics you would like and I can perhaps clean things up a bit and pop them in a zip file for you to access :)

Re: Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:31 pm
by Pride
Well, I was just thinking we should have a "standardised" logo/art thing for use in all cabal related videos, not just mine ;)

Re: Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:50 am
by Katelin
Like a splash screen at the start and end? I make you something shiny when I have some time this weekend if you like.

Re: Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:08 pm
by Pride
Sure :)

I could do something myself I suppose, I just think it would be better if everyone used the same stuff.. That's just if more than me wants to do videos that is.. And I don't mean just for launch, but for later on too! :D

Re: Cabal PR at game launch

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:15 pm
by Katelin
I have no idea what we are aiming for as a look with this - but figured Templar red with our logo and font was an ok start.
Very happy to make a lot of changes depending on your input :)
(Sorry this logo looks really fuzzy for some reason.. not sure what I did to it)