Nine Swords • Idea for a Zweihänder event
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Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:17 pm
by Sh3
Hello all!
I know I'm still new here but i had this idea you PVE leaders could help consolidate.
Here's the thing! I see the cabal is recruiting many people, and i see many people still lack they're .4.4 role set.
My idea was to see if there is interest on doing a Nightmare week!

This could be donne easy without many effort if we get a core of 3 players experienced and .4.4 Tank heal and 1 dps.
And each day That team would take 2 fresh people to help gear up :)
I don't really know how many people there is to form these "core teams" but if we could get 2 or 3 we could have 4 or 6 new peopel trying 18's or 24's.

Maybe this would need a calendar or some kind of sign up so each core knows what 2 new people to take.
maybe it is a silly idea and doesn't sound good to anyone :)
Well just my thought on how to help people gear a bit and get experience....

Get out of the confort zone and get into The Nightmare week!


Re: Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:22 pm
by Katelin
This has been something that Kadyn has been pivitol in organising in the past for Elite runs and for NM runs. And it is something that, with a bit of planning, can be really great!

It is *really* helpful to not just have a complete team of new to NM people, but also those who can share their expertise and knowledge of how areas work. Would definitely be great to see Zweihänder organising more events like this - and you too, Sh3 - even without being in a division *yet*, you are very welcome to step up and organise people into teams and encourage things to happen :)

Re: Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:33 pm
by Sh3
Well me and Lucky have experience and gear and would like to help others.
Before joining the cabal we were helping people on Noobmares. So better do it here!
I know sometimes it's hard to step out of the confort of doing 24s in 1 hr without a wipe but still, having people with gear can open doors to lairs, raid, and harder nightmares. it can also mean that people can easely get teams on PUG's if they have gear and experience and can for instance run HE (just crossed my mind that last one get's everyone happy).
And even if it won't be as fast or as easy it's just a few times and it's a great pay up to see other evolve.
So i'm signing in as leech and Pinto as dps and we could run 24's monday and wednesday we just need a tank to form the first Core group with room for 2 with less experience.
I just don't really know how to organize and plan this with so many people on in the cabal atm :)
That's why i need help :D

Re: Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:42 pm
by Katelin
As a "how to plan" suggestion - make a new thread with a date and time on it in our noticeboard forum for when you are running it - state the number of team slots and what you are doing - get people to sign up with interest, and what their level / experience is like and then edit your post to fill up the team :)

Being specific about how many new to NM / how many mid experienced / how many higher experienced you want in the team and can cope with, and how long you are willing to invest time for is also generally helpful.

To bash your head for 3 hours against 17/18 is perhaps not something that a lot of people can commit to.

Also - lairs can be done relatively "easily" - not always counting the bosses. Eg. BM lair takes about 30 to 45 mins (tops) from pick up of missions to killing the 3 bosses if you team with me and Durendal (which you are very welcome to do - we like lairs :D )

With regards to the getting access to PUGs comment - I know we have some members who PUG a lot, but this means we have people who aren't teaming within the cabal. This can be frustrating after helping people get their equipment levelled up and improved for those who are helping if it is happening all the time and people are therefore not teaming within the cabal and helping others to get themselves geared :)

if you do make a post with an event init - someone with mod access can add your event to the calendar too so it shows up :)

Re: Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:00 pm
by Sh3
Ok I still have time to plan something out.
Lucky won't get back from Xangai until the 18th :D
From what we tried so far, If tank leech and dps (Lucky) have gear and experience 18's are fast enough even with 2 completly fresh QL 10 blue people.
What would be great here was to get more than one core team so it could be an experience for more than 2 or 3 people :)
So I would like to use this post to see the interest of people in it before creating a calendar or maybe it's the other way around :P
Maybe i'm over my head here :D

Re: Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:44 am
by Naite
I'd be happy to help out here if I can be of use :-)

Re: Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:26 pm
by Kisshoten
Hi Shedevil,

I would be able to help in any role from next week on. (Finally back home whole week instead of just weekends :D )
We normally run nightmares regularly but Kate & Durendal were travelling a lot and I've been on business trips for the past 5 weeks, so the frequency of daily NM runs has been low. (We usually just grabbed whoever was in-game at that moment with 1 or 2 lower geared/exp ones).

Why I never schedule runs for myself is because RL can be unpredictable and my better half doesn't play online games :o

Re: Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:27 pm
by Trophy
Good initiative Sh3, appreciated - I have odd schedules but will try to commit whenever I can.

Re: Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:33 pm
by Sh3
I perfectly understand that!
Our son doesn't allways let us sit there quietly :)
But Monday and Wednesday he stays at my mom's to "sleep with grandmah!"
And since we arean't trully in need of BB might aswell help people who are.
Lucky even did a tank setup to be easier since i usually leech but honestly... with his 4.5 or 5k dps he can cover for the lack of dps when we take less experienced people.
I'll probably aim for Wednesday the 20th for the first try but i still need him to check that he will be home from China.

Still it's good to see some interest from you guys in something like this :)

Re: Idea for a Zweihänder event

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:44 pm
by Deerhound
About lairs: If you do them, I strongly recommend that you don't start the missions until everyone in the group arrives. Otherwise, not everyone will advance it at the same rate and things get a little chaotic. As long as you keep everyone on the same page, they're a blast.