Nine Swords • Hit A Wall
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Hit A Wall

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:09 am
by ExtraSmooth
Hey guys,

Its been a great adventure, an awesome game but Im probably going to cancel my membership on TSW. I seem to have hit a wall with this game. Im finding I am logging in with nothing to do except try to find grps for the other than 18s NMs. As ive cleared all the missions/Zones and content except for issue 7, apart from these NMs theres nothing to do for me. I find scenarios the most boring thing ever now, was fun at first but grew old, Fast.. I would really like to try Ankh and the other NMs but trying to find a group for these or one that is patient enough for an inexperienced player is proving impossible, which is making me think about trying a new MMO. Over the comming days im going to try out some other MMOs to take TSW place, so ive DLed Eve, Lord of the Rings Online and a few various other F2P MMOs that i havent tried, quite fancy tring Rift as ive heard good things about it. I did resub on WOW 2 days ago due to a couple of RL friends returning to the game but in all honesty i coulnt bere it so ive canceld my sub already. Im not quiting TSW just need an alternative game at least till FC brings out some new higher tier content to give everyone an even playing field to work for. Well just thought id say my thoughts.

Thanks folks.

Neil (Extrasmooth)

Re: Hit A Wall

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 8:07 am
by Katelin
Hi ExtraSmooth,

When playing a game, whatever it is, if it starts to feel boring or that you arent getting as much out of it as you hoped - stopping playing for a while, or completely is definitely a reasonable thing to do.

Please let us know what you decide to do with TSW, and whether you would like to remain in Nine Swords til you are absolutely sure about your subscription :)

Best wishes,

Re: Hit A Wall

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 8:20 am
by Uragon
I find this quite intriguing, as for me TSW is approaching the "too many things to do" field. It's a definite fact that with scenarios also competing for my time, I sure am running less dungeons and lairs. And at least the latter I'm slightly regretting. Harder dungeons, well... are something nice and refreshing to do every now and then, but you're likely looking for the "at least 3-4 hours playtime a day" type players to have ones that do those at a higher frequency.

Re: Hit A Wall

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 2:07 pm
by Elil
If you've never played LoTRO before, don't expect to do much if any group content before 95, it's been out so long that unless you get lucky and find some other brand new people wanting to do them, quite honestly we've all moved on! That includes the new Big Battles, most groups expect you to be 95 and at least rank 3.