Nine Swords • What can we organise next
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What can we organise next

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:34 pm
by Katelin
I really loved the cabal fair - so much so that I want to get my teeth into another big event ;)

Now I need to brainstorm ideas for it....

I am already planning a follow up to the Draug Days of Summer from last year for end of September

Other ideas:

- Stand up comedy show
- Party with fireworks / lighting effects
- Hub tours with lore / story telling built in

Anyone else have any ideas?

Re: What can we organise next

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:42 pm
by Floryn
I like those!

Q: Why couldn’t the sesame seed leave the gambling casino? A: Because he was on a roll.

But seriously.
How about some nature expert leads us through the world to tell us which trees, bushes and plants we see (assuming they are modelled after the real thing)?

How about we do a tasting evening at the Horned God. What do they serve and what does it taste like?

How about we do a dating auction thing. If you like you can put yourself up for auction and people can bid on doing a red mission with you (for instance). The money would go to the Cabal your with. (Incendia knows all about this and would make a great auctioneer.)

Re: What can we organise next

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:43 pm
by Katelin
I was thinking auctioning - but not a date auction (more so help with a build / 1 hours monster hunting.. etc etc) . But then I couldnt work out what the funds could go to... but funds to the cabal that person is from could be a great idea!

Re: What can we organise next

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:58 pm
by Kisshoten
I was ripped off 30 pax, I still haven't seen any proof of that date, Floryn & Minariel :P

The auction idea is pretty funny, but aren't the people who would want "help" with a mission more the ones who need pax? Not sure how that would work out.

Re: What can we organise next

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:22 pm
by TheFun
Katelin wrote:I really loved the cabal fair - so much so that I want to get my teeth into another big event ;)
I'm so sad I couldn't make it, it looked epic, but I'm all for the big event planning idea
Now I need to brainstorm ideas for it....

I am already planning a follow up to the Draug Days of Summer from last year for end of September
What are the Draug Days? Sounds interrsting
Other ideas:

- Stand up comedy show
Hum, I wonder who could do that ^^ And how too: text based or podcast?
- Party with fireworks / lighting effects
Got a lot of fireworks and 3 lightshow builds for that ^^
Hub tours with lore / story telling built in
Love the idea! What exactly do you have in mind?
Floryn wrote: 1.
How about some nature expert leads us through the world to tell us which trees, bushes and plants we see (assuming they are modelled after the real thing)?
Is there a botanist here? But that's a great idea
How about we do a tasting evening at the Horned God. What do they serve and what does it taste like?
Is there a sommelier here? More seriously, I think that's a great idea that can be reused in other locations
How about we do a dating auction thing. If you like you can put yourself up for auction and people can bid on doing a red mission with you (for instance). The money would go to the Cabal your with. (Incendia knows all about this and would make a great auctioneer.)
Oooooooh, that is GREAT for PR too. And a cool way to meet new people.

Don't have any ideas myself yet (well, no idea that haven't been already posted) but yeah, there is potential, I love In Game events. I'm gonna love it here.

Re: What can we organise next

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:43 am
by Deerhound
TheFun wrote:
What are the Draug Days? Sounds interrsting
Last September, after Funcom put swimsuits and beach wear in the Item Store, our then-leader of Rapier Division, Elania, organized a beach party at the Forsaken Oasis in the Scorched Desert. Grid Stream Productions provided the music but so many people tuned in that we broke their player. I counted at least a hundred people in the main crowd, and that doesn't even begin to cover all the folks who broke off into small groups.

Re: What can we organise next

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:14 pm
by Floryn
How about we organise a 'Reference'-tour?
"This is Black House. It's a reference to...blablabla."

How about we try to get into the Bingo! Book of Records by attempting, say, to have to longest line of people on an Agartha branch?

How about we organise the Great Cabal Lair Run?
Every Cabal sends in a group of 5 representitives and each Cabal tries to clear the first mission of the Kingmouht Lair (for instance) in record time. Or have two Cabal compete in a showdown and the first one to clear the mission goes through to the next round.

How about we organise the Great Cabal Shootout?
A PvP tournament with Cabal groups competing against eachother.

How about we organise Sephora's Closet Fashion Show?
"Next up is Faraleth. She has a white jacket and white pants, with matching white shoes. The outfit can be bought at Pangea in London. She uses Dream Cycle to keep her outfit white and shiny."

Re: What can we organise next

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:18 pm
by Elil
If you do a 'Lore Tour' don't forget to poke Pen, we can be useful.

Re: What can we organise next

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:45 pm
by Katelin
LOads of great ideas - keep them coming!!

Especially liked:
Floryn wrote:8. How about we organise Sephora's Closet Fashion Show?
"Next up is Faraleth. She has a white jacket and white pants, with matching white shoes. The outfit can be bought at Pangea in London. She uses Dream Cycle to keep her outfit white and shiny."
Would love to do this if Sep would be interested - would be great advertising for her fantastic site :)
How about we try to get into the Bingo! Book of Records by attempting, say, to have to longest line of people on an Agartha branch?
Or a "human" picture.. where people wear certain colours and when we take the image from above you see the picture :p

Re: What can we organise next

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:19 pm
by Floryn
Katelin wrote:Or a "human" picture.. where people wear certain colours and when we take the image from above you see the picture :p
That would be cool. Like in the Tour de France. We make a cycle out of people and have the wheels turn around. (That wouldn't show up in a picture, so you would have to video that :mrgreen:)