Nine Swords • NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST
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NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:47 pm
by Aberlour
Please post interest for Raid below.

Sign-ups (First 13, team will be decided later)
  1. Aberlour
  2. Diani (DPS, Buff DPS)
  3. Deerhound (DPS, Buff DPS, Leech)
  4. Endoscopy (DPS)
  5. Shivelamouse (DPS)
  6. The-Gambit (DPS, Tank)
Non-Cabal Reserves (Will use if we are short)
  1. Enzymatic
  2. Pentheus
  3. Rye-Starr
  4. Vohmer
  5. Insien
How-to on Signing Up

Raid Policy (how points are awarded, how looting works etc)
Accumulated Points List

NY Raid Guide
Quick Guide on the possible loot drops

Re: NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:48 pm
by fig
Signed - DPS(any), Leech, Heals

Re: NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:30 am
by SingedKitty
DPS and/or buffs.

Re: NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:37 am
by Deerhound
In order of preference: single-target DPS, buffs DPS, leech.

The last two times I leech-healed through 18s, the tank had WAY too many close calls. But I have raised my stats a little thanks to some PvP glyphs, so maybe next time won't be so bad.

Re: NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:36 am
by boscot
signed derps

Re: NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:13 am
by fig
Sorry. I had something come up for tomorrow night, and will need to withdraw.

Re: NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:31 pm
by Shivelamouse
I'd like to deeps

Re: NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:29 am
by The-Gambit
I am a new member and would like to participate as DPS (melee) or TANK. I can do both well and I am geared.
Thank you.

Re: NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:34 am
by Aberlour
Awesome, another potential tank. We need more of those!

Re: NA Raid Wednesday 16 July 18:00 PST

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:27 pm
by TheBerch
This isnt a signup for this week unfortunately ... anyway come NEXT week I can start making the raids again. So no fear, your healer is back .. muahaha. Anyway, yeah ... just a notice to you all.