Nine Swords • Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT
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Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:46 pm
by Yuriksha
Okay, let's try this again. I'd like to learn (or even better, clear) NM Facility. You're invited to join in, whether to teach or learn. I'd like to get at least one person who's already familiar with the Nightmare version of this dungeon.

Please indicate interest and role(s) in this thread.

1. Yuriksha (DPS)
2. TheFun (DPS)
3. Aberlour (Leech)
4. Floryn (DPS)
5. The_Gambit (Tank)

1. Antoon (DPS)
2. Puzzycat

Also, thanks to Anatoli, whose Ankh post pointed me in the direction of the League of Monster Slayers' forum, where I found this guide: ... gid=287362

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:16 pm
by TheFun
Hum... I'd be more thant tempter to say Sign me up as a DPS

Okay, sign me up as a DPS.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:16 am
by Aberlour
I can DPS and Leech this no issue. I can also learn to tank, though I cannot heal tank and have never tanked this, so we likely will die and not complete if I tank. But sign me up as something for this.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:15 am
by Floryn

I'd like to sign up. If you want to go safe, put me on DPS.
If you like a challenge (for me), put me down as Healer (shouldn't be too bad).

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:44 am
by Antoon
You can put me down for a reserve DPS.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:12 pm
by The-Gambit
I would like to participate. Never done facility before but I read some guides.
Sign me up as a tank or dps. I can try to heal tank some bosses there.

Also, If I will be healtank, we could play safe and not go the 4 dps way, but use 3 dps + 1 leech healer just to backup me.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:30 pm
by Yuriksha
Awesome, we've filled a team. We'll decide closer the time what heal & tank setup we'll use. I'm leaning towards putting Gambit in the tank slot.

Also, it seems we now have the extra goal of downing each boss in an average of five minutes - :shock: Good luck, everyone!

If we get enough we may run two teams, though I don't know how likely that is with BF running.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:59 pm
by prosafa
If I'm online (no promises, formating today, might take a few days until everything is working properly) and you need help I can go. PuzzyCat

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 5:21 pm
by The-Gambit
I think this guide is outdated. Look at this one. Its outdated too, but a little better (oct, 2013). ... actics.40/

Also take a look at this video. Very nice run.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 26 July 18:00 GMT

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:42 pm
by Yuriksha
The after-action report:

We went over time (Just a bit :lol: ). We managed to clear Anima Constructs (aka Filth Scientists or 5). We ran out of time on Halina but got her into Phase 2 several times.

If we keep hammering away at this, I feel 30 minutes will eventually be the reality. :D

Thanks again to Aberlour, TheFun, The-Gambit, and Floryn for coming along on this crazy run.

PS. Let me know if you'd like another shot at Facility next week.
PPS. Or some other crazy thing like Slaughterhouse Masterplanner.