Nine Swords • CANCELED: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT
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CANCELED: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:54 pm
by Yuriksha
Announcing another attempt at the Facility Nightmare dungeon.

As we get better, our time restrictions get tighter. There is a lair run at 18:30 GMT, giving us between an hour and ninety minutes. However, if we can manage to get the people from the first two runs in, I'd say we have a good chance of going 6/6 in time.

Express interest and roles below.

1. Yuriksha (DPS)
2. Floryn (DPS)
3. Aberlour (Leech/heal)
4. The-Gambit (Tank)
5. TheFun (DPS)

Edit: Gambit or I will likely put in a guide link later. This isn't a guide, but a discussion of how the dungeon has been since heal aggro was removed: ... ity&page=5
Post-Edit: Lost our tank and heal. We'll try again next week.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:58 pm
by Floryn
Count me in! - DPS.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:33 am
by Aberlour
I'm in.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:17 am
by The-Gambit
I Will help as a tank. I already completed fac nm so I can give my place to someone that needs it.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:00 pm
by TheFun
Okay, I'm in (dps)

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:48 am
by Shivelamouse
Watch 2001: A Space Odyssey if you really want get into the run!

Good luck chummers.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:13 pm
by Yuriksha
Fifteen minutes of plot crammed into three hours. Sounds like our first attempt :lol:

Thanks for the luck, omae. We'll earn our nuyen this time.

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:28 pm
by The-Gambit
Except for boss 5 the rest is easy. I tried these days a MP build using chaos/shotgun and everything went well until final boss. The rest of the party didnt want to burn the ball with corruption passive to keep it from moving, so I needed to change to heal tank for that. I think people are just unconfortable with new strategies and always want the tank to do the hard job.

This is a recent post from the Loms NM Fac guide:

"Just to post a follow-on to this, the tactic with a DPS focus firing the ball absolutely works and makes the fight rather trivial.

What you need is a dps with an assault rifle, Elemental Force and Fear and Wonder. When the ball spawns all dps shoot it a few times, and then from that point on a sngle dps can keep it completely locked down. You won't even need the buff from the nodes to do so - it literally won't move from that spot the entire fight. You do need the Steady Hip fire passive if using Hip fire however.

Makes the entire encounter rather trivial as everyone else can just focus on burning Helena and moving around the room whilst one dps occupies the ball. No kiting, no heal tanking, just a dps burn. That's how we did Master Planner, as it made the rest of the dungeon very easy as well - if you use this tactic, you can just use normal builds for the other fights, as its no real loss for one dps to take a couple of extra passives. Without needing to heal tank this it removes a huge amount of the difficulty overall and makes it easier than HF and probably Ankh as well."

Here is the link... its the last post. If I need to heal tank all the dungeon because of boss 6 the other encounters will be harder to finish. So I think we could look at the strategy above. ... .40/page-2

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:47 pm
by The-Gambit
BTW this is my Facility MP Buff Tank build: ... 1664216a43

If someone intend to bring SF let me know so I can change to chaos/sword (easier to tank boss 5).

Re: Facility NM: Saturday 16 Aug 17:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:38 pm
by TheFun
Oka so technically I'll have just enough time to go through this then go to the lair run... that will be a busy saturday ^^