Nine Swords • Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT
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Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:28 pm
by Chaosetor
Please indicate interest for the lair raid below, include character name and preferred role(s)

1. Chaosetor (DPS, Buffs)
2. Vujem (DPS, Buffs, Leech, Heals)
3. Diani (DPS, Buffs)
4. ShockG (Anything But Tank)
5. Sonno (Shootie-Shootie, Leech)
6. Yuriksha (DPS)
7. TheFun (DPS)
8. Aberlour (Tank)
9. PuzzyCat (DPS, Buffs)
10. Maxxt (Tank)

I will use the cabal NYR policy and cap signups at the first 13, the team will then be decided later. The only exception to this policy is if we are capped at 13 signups, but still lack one or more roles.

Lair Raid 101:
This is a good introduction to the lair raid, complete with video! :D ... -dark.152/
A good and thorough explanation of the raid and its mechanics

Loot (Read this before you sign up!)
As I will be using a personal key and it is my first time running the lair raid, only the blue bag will be FFA (need/greed or /roll, depending on the loot rules). What this means, just to be absolutely clear is that only the loot from the blue bag will be distributed.

If there are not enough interested players, the raid may be rescheduled to a better time :)

Re: Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:31 pm
by Vikestart
Signed as dps, buffs, heals or leech

Re: Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:22 pm
by SingedKitty
diani--dps or dps/buffs

Re: Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:56 pm
by Shock G
I think I can make this. Anything but tank.

Re: Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:37 am
by Rick Fortune
Should be Ok for this. Sonno on shootie-shootie or leech

Re: Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:21 am
by Yuriksha
Yuriksha, DPS. Haven't been to the Corpse-Island before and would like to face it at least once.

Re: Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:23 am
by Chaosetor
Great to see that there are people interested so far, however, please ensure that you have read, understood and are ok with the loot policy for the raid before you do sign up. The reason for this policy is that I will be using my one and only personal key for this particular raid. So again, be absolutely sure that you are ok with the blue bag only policy before you sign up.

In advance, thank you :)

Re: Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:01 am
by TheFun
Signing up as a DPS, oh please oh please oh please.

Re: Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:52 am
by Mellified
I'd like to DPS (buff or st) please - I haven't done this before - fine with the loot policy.

Re: Lair Raid Saturday November 15th 21:30 GMT

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:33 pm
by Chaosetor
Looks like we still need a couple of tanks willing to expose themselves to this :P So if anyone know any non-cabal tanks, or if any members of the cabal can and want to tank this, but the time is a bad fit, it would be nice if you could let me know either by posting here or contacting me in game :)