Nine Swords • Introductions
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Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:49 am
by Seventh
Hello. My full "code-name" is Seventh-Guest, but you can call me Seventh.

First I want to thank the leaders of the Nine Swords for allowing me into the organization. I know how hard it is to find people you can really trust in this secret world of ours, and I don't take this acceptance lightly. This is why I felt it important to come clean on a few things up front, rather than have them come back to hurt me and possibly the rest of the group unexpectedly. I might just be paranoid, but I'll feel better explaining things.

You see, I was just a normal guy working the tech industry in Massachusetts, not too far from Boston, when the bee thing happened. I don't remember it, just that one day the world seemed different. You've all been through similar things, so I won't bother with details. Suffice to say, someone found me before too much time passed and I was brought to New York to join the Illuminati.

Yes, that's right. I joined the Illuminati first.

Things seemed fine at first. They knew how to help me handle my new abilities and their very practical corporate mentality suited me, or at least I thought so. They are the ones that gave me my codename when I joined that seasons' class of recruits. I don't know if it's always this way, but that year they looked deep into my soul and assigned me a name based on the order in which I joined. Should have been the first hint, really.

They gave me my start learning to harness the "bee power" and how to fire a rifle without taking my own head off (recoil is never really modeled severely enough in computer games). I also got close to the rest of the recruits, most of whom were as scared and overwhelmed as I was. With their help, under the protective guidance of the Illuminati, I thought I was going to be ok.

I'm not going to bore people with another horrible story. There are plenty of them in the world now, and I'm sure most of you have had worse experiences than I had in Red Hook. In short, there was an incident with a training mission that turned out more dangerous than anyone thought. Not all the recruits made it back. I know we have this weird immortality thing going somehow, but it turns out we CAN be completely overwhelmed by the Filth, especially if we're not fully in tune with the power of the bee yet. Anyway, people were... lost. I had front row seats and failed to make a difference. And this is where I discovered my opinion on the difference between 'personnel' and 'resources' was not at all aligned with the Illuminati. Words were spoken. Reprimands were received. I resolved to leave and sort out my abilities on my own.

I determined that the correct resignation protocol for the Illuminati involves hacking security in the middle of the night. This is why I'm bothering the Swords with this. The Illuminati has tried to recollect me a few times since I left. It's why I made my way to London following tales of a rival faction that didn't suck. I bounced around with the Templars for a while hanging out with one group or another before hopefully finding a home with all of you.

I just want to say thank you again for such a warm welcome, and I wanted to tell my story in case someone does come after me again. It's been a while, and I think the fake name on the passports has helped. Willie Loomis is just an alias I grabbed from the old Dark Shadows TV show. I kept the code name though, lengthening it to Seventh-Guest. I want them to know when I do something to screw them over. I just don't want them to find me before or after.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. If you want the full story of the incident, however, I'll likely need some alcohol in me first. I'd love to hear how others have found their way to the Swords.
