Nine Swords • Scenario Weekend! Saturday Group Scenarios (17:30 GMT)
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Scenario Weekend! Saturday Group Scenarios (17:30 GMT)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:36 pm
by Aberlour
It's scenario weekend! Since there's been talk about no Scenario runs being scheduled for EU times, I will be waking up early to see if we can get some runs in before the lairs and lair raid. Generally a run of all 3 takes about 1.5 hours, so these should finish in plenty of time before the lair.

When you sign up, go ahead and state your role, and preference for NM Groups or Elite Groups.
  1. Aberlour (Tank or DPS, NMs or Elites)
  2. Chaosetor (DPS, Shaky Tank, NMs or Elites)
  3. Vikestart (DPS, Tank, Heals, NMs or Elites)
  4. The Fun (DPS, NMs or Elites)
  5. Floryn (DPS, NMs, or Elites)
  6. Endoscopy (DPS, NMs or Elites)
  7. Maxxt (Tank, DPS)
  8. Faraleth (DPS, Elites)
  9. Mellified (Most things, NMs or Elites)
  10. Shock G (Heals, DPS)
For loot, I really like using this policy: Scenario Loot Policy

If anyone has an issue with using that policy though, let me know and we'll just stick with the normal Need/Greed for these. I want to be as inclusive as possible so people can discover that Scenarios actually are fun when run with a group.

Re: Scenario Weekend! Group Scenarios

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:38 pm
by Chaosetor
DPS (or possibly tank if it's an emergency :P ) Both NMs and Elites, though I usually run the NA ones, so if there are anyone who actually need this time, let them take priority :)

Edit: I should be able to tank the scenarios gear-wise, my only concern is the experience aspect of it :P

Re: Scenario Weekend! Group Scenarios

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:39 pm
by Vikestart
Any role, Both :)
Chaosetor wrote:Both NMs and Elites, though I usually run the NA ones, so if there ar eanyone who actually needs this time, let them take priority :)
Well, if enough people sign up, we can probably just make another team. :P

Re: Scenario Weekend! Saturday Group Scenarios (17:30 GMT)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:01 pm
by TheFun
Signing up for that, I'd be delighted to get some oreos too. DPS, never really did any NM scenario but I guess I can learn on spot?

Re: Scenario Weekend! Saturday Group Scenarios (17:30 GMT)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:05 pm
by Aberlour
TheFun wrote:Signing up for that, I'd be delighted to get some oreos too. DPS, never really did any NM scenario but I guess I can learn on spot?
The way we tend to do them, they're easier than Elites. We just save one camp, have one tank, one healer and everyone else goes DPS (With like 4K health), so less to worry about (Unless you're the tank or healer).

Re: Scenario Weekend! Saturday Group Scenarios (17:30 GMT)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:39 pm
by Floryn
I would like to sign up as DPS and if I can stay with someone who gets the aggro, NM will be fine :)

Re: Scenario Weekend! Saturday Group Scenarios (17:30 GMT)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:51 am
by boscot

Re: Scenario Weekend! Saturday Group Scenarios (17:30 GMT)

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:13 am
by Maxxt
I'm in (tank/dps)

Re: Scenario Weekend! Saturday Group Scenarios (17:30 GMT)

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:40 am
by Aberlour
Unless we get another healer signed up, we'll probably do one 4-man NM group, and one 3-man elite group.

Re: Scenario Weekend! Saturday Group Scenarios (17:30 GMT)

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 4:00 am
by Aberlour
Or, I guess for Oreos sake, could just do two Elite Group runs since we'd be more likely to get Plat or Gold.