Nine Swords • Hello to all
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Hello to all

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:52 am
by Caldervalley
Hi there from Halifax UK.
Ok a little about my self, my real name is Mark ,My user name derives from the area of Calderdale that I Live in, you guessed it Caldervalley.
I have been here for the last 15 years, married 3 children & 1 cat,
I began my gaming back in 1999 with the release of Everquest which i played for 7 years, notably a Necromancer & later on a Bard.
THe original guild was a small uk based friends guild called Dark Blades, once the server merge we merged with another , I forget the name.
We went onto to high end raiding & eventually moved on to Everquest 2, but my heart wasnt in it.
Skipping a few years .... I Started on WOW, which i played on & off mainly a Druid & Paladin, was a member of OVO, for a while - A high end Game Guild,
we raided 25 & 10 man instances, due to studying at the time I didnt have the time for serious gaming.
I have played a few MMos in between
I have played almost all classes in MMO`s up to max levels, I most enjoy the CC & / or ranged classes, TSW intrested me due to the "choose your skills option".

Arh well back to real life for a few days Im, looking forward to the 2nd beta just to get a small heads up on TSW structure & skill option ranges.

BB for now.

Re: Hello to all

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 12:40 pm
by Cephas Ironclad