Nine Swords • I resent that, Good Sir!
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I resent that, Good Sir!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:50 pm
by ArcyCiern
Here's what happens when two crazy people meet.

[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: wekk afk for a bit, it would seem I have some reding to do :P
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: reading even
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: "Wekk" - is that a Norwegian word? Some kind of fish dish?
[Cabal] [*Katelin]: wekk afk he said.. so likely.. some type of away from keyboardness .. that only Norweigans can understand.. fishy afk sounds plausible
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: "This is my keyboard. Please note that it is made entirely out of fishbone".
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: It's an elaborate code you ignorant non-norwegians
[Cabal] [*Katelin]: Now we have been told :p
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: Behold my glorious intellect and my unique ability to hit the wrong keys, it really is quite the sight
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: I think it's the strange accent with which you write, Chaos.
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: Art thou insulting my written accent? En garde then!
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Thou hast discombobulated me with thoust o'ersees words, Good Sir!
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Was that an insult I cannot suffer or merely a jest to lighten the mood in these dark times?
[Cabal] [*Katelin]: *waits to see who bites whose thumb at who first*
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Human flesh has no appeal to me, Dear Lady Katelin, especially... dare I say it?... Norwegian human flesh!
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: 'twas neither and both, surely I say this to thee, thou cannot fathom the wisdom with which I speak, so I shan't waste it on thee, my good sir Good day!
[Cabal] [*Katelin]: Its Shakespeare.. Romeo and Juliet.
[Cabal] [*Katelin]: "Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?" .. "I do bite my thumb, "
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Hast thou shaken a spear at me, Foul Offspring of the Vikings?!
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: Ah, but my good man, that is assuming that Norwegians are indeed human
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Can it be true that some of you are indeed not human but... walrus!?
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: A spear is such a primitive and savage thing, were I to point anything at thee it would be my trusted longsword, a gentleman's instrument
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: only those who live in Bergen
[Cabal] [*Katelin]: coo coo ca cue
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Thy RUSTED longsword, more likely.
[Cabal] [*Katelin]: #I am he as you are he as you are me And we are all together
[Cabal] [*Katelin]: Because. Walrus.
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: Art thou insulting my weapon?
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Have thou not done so already by wielding it with thy foul hand?
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: Have I in any way degraded my weapon, it has been by cutting down such filth as thee
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Strong words from a man who has just admitted not to have tended his weapon properly!
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: 'tis now I that befoul the blade, but the foulness that is the blood of those who dare oppose me!
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Hast thou not been tought as but a tyke that cleanliness is next to awesomeliness?
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: Surely thou cannot expect me to answer to a man who is inclined to believe that awesomeliness is a word, Dr Johnson is surely turning over in his grave as we speak!
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: I put it to the honourable member that thou have no grounds on which to base these outrageous accusations which thou art throwing at me
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Bold words coming from a man who repeatedly admitted that his command of his typing skills is less than lacking! Language is a malleable beast responsive to pampering and caresses of those who can tame it! Thus I proclaim "awesomeliness" a WORD!
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: Not only is such a word an abomination to the rules of said language, thus making claming mastery of said language an outright lie, but I put it to thee that thou cannot possibly comprehend the depths on which thou art presently finding thyself on simply because it is a fact that this language is not thy first either, thus it is impossible for thee to ever master it, and far, far less acceptable for thee to take it upon thyself to proclaim new words
[Cabal] [Chaosetor]: I dismisseth thy reasoning, and I scorn thee as I would a rabid dog
[Cabal] [ArcyCiern]: Oh, how close-minded you are! How limited the vistas of your thought! How small thy cranial capacity! How pathetic thy mental horizons! Dost thou not confuse a rabid dog with a rabbit dock in thy insanity? A master I may be not but my at least my fingers strike true and my words do not "wekk" around like a rabid pack of walruses! Thou speaketh of depts! De profundis clamo at te, Chaosetor! De profundis animi et cordis mei! Canst thou even comprehend such depth of mind and heart, Oh, feebled-fingered one?

Your move, Chaos ;)

Re: I resent that, Good Sir!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:46 pm
by Aberlour
I'm with Arcy on this one, awesomeliness is a word!