Nine Swords • Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)
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Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:19 pm
by Shock G
This is a Duo NM scenario run. The primary intention is to easily get achievements for those who do not have them. These achievements are requirements toward this spiffy white Council of Venice hoodie and the Sim Champion title. A platinum result is not required to get the achievements. I'm willing to be flexible on the time of the event if there is interest and the current listed time is problematic, but have chosen a Saturday (my time) so it does not conflict with the NA Sunday raid or any subsequent theoretical scenario runs. Original start time changed due to conflict with Eidolon raid.

You should be able handle Nightmare-level content if you wish to participate. Having access to all scenario maps makes things easier, too. Loot will be handled according to the usual scenario loot policy.

Signups (team[s] to be made later):
  1. ShockG
  2. Diani
  3. Abe
  4. Hood
  5. Gotica

Re: Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:24 pm
by SingedKitty
Sure, although I may need a new survival spec if you have one.

Re: Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:29 pm
by Shock G
SingedKitty wrote:Sure, although I may need a new survival spec if you have one.
Ok. I'm not concerned with getting plat here since it's not mandatory, so if we have enough signups, I'll probably opt for a more traditional team layout and save only one camp just to knock these out.

Re: Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:00 pm
by Aberlour
I thought you could only bring 2 into Duo NM scenarios? Or does that only apply to solo?

Also, I should be good to make this.

Re: Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:02 pm
by Burton1305
i wanna do this if you want more than 2 ppl

Re: Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:22 pm
by Shock G
Aberlour wrote:I thought you could only bring 2 into Duo NM scenarios? Or does that only apply to solo?
Research says that group size is only enforced on Nightmare level, and you can obviously always bring fewer, but not more than the setting specifies. I thought they might not enforce it on any level since they don't on the lower ones.

So teams of 2 it is, up to the team if they want to try for plat or just save one camp, and how they want to do loot rolls. My team is still using Fig's method.

Re: Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:25 pm
by Gotica
:twisted: I'm interested :) I need also to archievements :twisted:

Re: Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:33 pm
by Yuriksha
When you say capable of handling NM-level content, do you mean have survived a solo NM scenario at any reward level?

Re: Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:21 pm
by Shock G
Yuriksha wrote:When you say capable of handling NM-level content, do you mean have survived a solo NM scenario at any reward level?
That's a good enough guideline, I suppose. If you've ever done group NMs without being a total carry (and I don't think you'd be a carry) that will suffice, too.

Re: Duo NM Scenarios 21 Mar 1400 EDT (1100 PDT, 1800 GMT)

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:08 am
by Aberlour
Ugh. Looks like there is a very good chance I am working when this starts. So I am going to have to pull out. This has been a shitty work week. Ugh.