Nine Swords • Hello Everybody.
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Hello Everybody.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:51 pm
by ZoSo
There really is no non-lame way to subject title these posts is there?

I've started the application process, so we'll see how it goes. I found you guys through the cabal section in the official forums. You seem to align with what i enjoy and i like the idea of having a formal application rather than just joining a zerg style cabal. ( I keep having to stop myself typing Kin or guild, that's going to take some getting used to!.)

I'm a male, 48 from the United Kingdom. So yep i'm old. Me and Victor Meldrew are like that...

I've been gaming since the Atari 2600 and have played MMO's since Everquest was released. Most of my time was in LoTRo, a game that is sadly dying these days. I've promised myself a serious "go" at TSW for ages, as the subject matter is right up my alley. I also admire FC's cash shop implementation. It's not "in your face" and is full of fun, fluff items. Turbine could learn a lot. Actually, Funcom seems pretty good , as developers go, especially content wise.

Anyway, i'm going to ramble if i'm not careful. Hopefully, if your officers like what they see (?) , i'll get to know you more.

Game on, GL and HF. ;)

Re: Hello Everybody.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:53 pm
by Katelin
Welcome to our forums - Victor Meldrew is much older than 48!! :)

See you ingame!!

Re: Hello Everybody.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:42 pm
by Tipota
Yeah LOTRO is unfortunately dying. :/ never a good sign when the devs pretty much say eh, we're not making new raid content.

Re: Hello Everybody.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:14 am
by Naite
Not sure about that, LOTRO has never been about the raids. They were always shoe-horned into the game to quiet the minority forum peeps. Just like PvMP on the Ettenmoors. Some of them really have no place in the game, Draigoch, Saruman's Tower, and Ost Dunoth never happened as far as storyline goes. At least for me. And the time travelling Erebor quests are just cashing in on crappy film releases.

Re: Hello Everybody.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:08 pm
by ZoSo
But the Rift and, too a lesser extent The Watcher..those were raids. ;) But yes, you're right, it was never a raiders game. They tended to gravitate to World of Warcraft.

The game was at it's pinnacle during Shadows. Moria was well visioned though the mob density was stupid and the Disco Caves were eye wateringly awful. Lothlorien was nice...and everything added after that made me die just a little inside. :(

What LoTRo had, and still does to an extent, was a wonderful, mature community.