Nine Swords • E3!!!!
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Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:33 pm
by SirVent
Yes Ladies and Gentlemen! The time is almost here! When all the wonderful companies from the electronic and gaming industries come together for a few days of awesomeness! I thought now would be a good time to bring us all together for a team building exercise so this is what I propose: name the things you are most/least excited about the upcoming expo:

Likes: HALO 4!!! (343 industries better not screw this up or Microsoft will have full scale riots on their hands!)
Assassins Creed 3(Viva la revoluciĆ³n! it wrong to like a game where you are killing Templars?)
Medal of Honor: Warfighter (Story is soooooo much better than Call of duty! I'll be expecting that much more from this sequel)...also I'm curious to see what new gaming gear alienware and other providers will be coming out with...

Black ops 2 (I personally didn't even care so much for the first one...)
Nintendo Wii U (except if there's any legend of Zelda),
The Last of Us (this one is actually a toss up for me, I LOVED the uncharted series and I don't know if veering away from that is Naughty Dog's smartest move, but who knows, It may kick ass and in which case I will happily eat my words; And I guess I could understand why they would want to go in this new direction, you can only play a decent series for so long- which leads me to...),
God of War(Now the multiplayer is fine and all, but lets face it: we play it for the story...and Kratos can only kill so many gods- as gleefully illustrated by this video no less)

Re: E3!!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:30 pm
by Aralon
lol NO ONE could kill morgan freeman :-P

For E3, I watch the Microsoft Conference. Everything else, I read and if I look what I read, I will watch the video and etc for it but I hate the sony and nintendo conference. Nothing ever pleases me.

I have massive wishes for E3 microsoft this year, hopefully more info abouy Ryse and other "proper" kinect games. Also Halo 4, so far its looking good!

Re: E3!!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:50 am
by Pride
I dunno... E3 seems like a big *yawn* this year, unless there's something 'extreme' annouced ofc :p

Only thing I'm somewhat looking forward too would be a Dead Space 3 demonstration/trailer... Sure, I'm also interested in Borderlands 2 and Xcom: Enemy Uknown, but I already know most details about those games...

Re: E3!!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:57 pm
by SirVent
Nothing incredible? halo 4 isn't incredible? ah well, im sure u have your reasons.
Suckes to be a dead space fan: it looks more action than scary. the co op really helps take away the fear factor.

Re: E3!!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:29 pm
by Kotts
Dead space has had my curiosity piqued for a while, just not enough time/money to dig in. I looks like its mostly jump out and scare type stuff which would make very difficult to get my wife to play.

Re: E3!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:03 am
by Aralon
Hmm microsoft conference with Halo 4, splinter cell, new gears...looks good!

And I aint a big fan of CoD but Black Ops 2 looks like a decent game to rent!

Re: E3!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:59 pm
by Pride
Best in show so far is that Watch Dogs from Ubisoft tbh.. Well, trailer anyway :p

Re: E3!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:31 pm
by Kotts
Want X-Com nao plx

Re: E3!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:12 pm
by Pride
Kotts wrote:Want X-Com nao plx
I hope you mean Enemy Unknown :p

Re: E3!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:24 pm
by Pride
SirVent wrote:Nothing incredible? halo 4 isn't incredible? ah well, im sure u have your reasons.
Suckes to be a dead space fan: it looks more action than scary. the co op really helps take away the fear factor.
Who the hell said I want scary? :p

Decent co-op games is something I'm definately looking for though.. ;) I should probably add that I'm a PC gamer, and I dont give a s*** about consoles.