Nine Swords • [IDEA] Regular PvP events
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[IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:52 am
by Floryn
Of course I forgot to write down who suggested this :? but there was a call for more and regular PvP events.

I tried to get PvP going earlier with a lot of initial interest but it never really got of the ground ( Perhaps there is someone from the Misericorde Division that could pull this boat afloat?

Re: [IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:23 pm
by Gebbeth
I would love to have regular PVP schedules - I mostly Fusang, but would do any of the three if there was a group I could join in with.

I play evenings, US timezone, and am on Cerberus.

Re: [IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:30 pm
by Trommari
i would join cabal pvp sessions, as far as fusang goes. Not so sure bout Stonehenge or the other one tho. I can play somewhere between 16.00. GMT and 00.00h.

Re: [IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:13 pm
by Gebbeth
If there is interest in this time slot, I could do the following:

10pm-1am GMT for possible start times (5-8pm CST) on either M, W, or Th
Battleground A (Arcadia, Cerberus, Grim, or Drac servers)
Most familiar with Fusang but we could queue for the others as well, depending on what people want to do.

If I get feedback on this, I'll post to the Noticeboard, but tell me which start times and weekdays work for you - anyone interested?


Re: [IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:23 pm
by kithsana
I am not known for my regular play schedule anymore, but if I happen to be online when you're getting something started I'll be happy to queue up throw some heals your way. I'm BGB though, so I can't help out in Fusang :)

Re: [IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:17 pm
by Volen
Of course, I'm in but my schedule is a bit crazy right now... heading for Nepal for about two weeks, then off to Montana, then a couple weeks in Arkansas for an Engineering competition (two weeks), THEN... I'll have a bit of time to get online again.

I'll pledge to get some regular PvP events going once the school year starts up again :)

I'm happy to help with FS, but I'm more of a ED or SH guy!

Re: [IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:26 pm
by Gebbeth
Volen wrote:Of course, I'm in but my schedule is a bit crazy right now... heading for Nepal for about two weeks, then off to Montana, then a couple weeks in Arkansas for an Engineering competition (two weeks)
What, no time in Texas?

Re: [IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:18 am
by Aberlour
kithsana wrote:I am not known for my regular play schedule anymore
You should rectify that Kith. You'd be pretty impressed by the NA NYRs you helped build.

Re: [IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:11 am
by Drenneth
Would be happy to jump on this train. Favorite one is ElDorado but Fusang works to (I just get tired of running in Fusang :P perhaps a little better with the new sprints).

Re: [IDEA] Regular PvP events

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:03 pm
by kithsana
Aberlour wrote:
kithsana wrote:I am not known for my regular play schedule anymore
You should rectify that Kith. You'd be pretty impressed by the NA NYRs you helped build.
I see the full sign ups on the Noticeboard and it makes me smile :D