Nine Swords • NM 18s, Thursday 4 June, 1900GMT (tryout)
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NM 18s, Thursday 4 June, 1900GMT (tryout)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:22 am
by Floryn
As a tryout I will schedule NM 18s, in order for people to show their interest. I may not always sign up myself but I will update the list of interested people. Please sign up with your preferred role.

It is up to the people who sign-up to form teams (probably best done on the evening itself).
Again, this is a tryout - any suggestions are welcome.

This 18s starts at the same time as the New York Raid but I think it's best if we keep a steady start time and people who cannot do the Raid (or are released as reserves) can sign up.

1. Naite (DPS, possibly heals)
2. Obur (DPS DABS)
3. Tromari


Re: NM 18s, Thursday 4 June, 1900GMT (tryout)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 8:19 pm
by Naite
I'd like to come along if there's space, I normally do DPS, but am quite happy healing 18's.

I'm not signing up for Monday, Wednesday or Friday as I have commitments that mean I might not be on for 1900 GMT, I will try to be on though, so if there's a space you can give me a shout.

Re: NM 18s, Thursday 4 June, 1900GMT (tryout)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:54 am
by Obur
Count me in as DPS or DABS, can do that too now.

Re: NM 18s, Thursday 4 June, 1900GMT (tryout)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:40 pm
by Obur
I have to work a couple extra hours today and it's a 50km drive to my home from my workplace so i can be a bit late - if there will be somebody to take the spot do not hesitate and don't wait for me.

Re: NM 18s, Thursday 4 June, 1900GMT (tryout)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:23 pm
by Trommari
ill come as SF dps