Nine Swords • Tokyo Daily Group *Aegis exp grind* Sunday 21:00GMT
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Tokyo Daily Group *Aegis exp grind* Sunday 21:00GMT

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:55 am
by avere
This is an open signup for doing the Tokyo daily missions to level aegis in prep for the new Nightmare dungeon/dungeons and upcoming raid in issue 12. The only requirement for attendance is completion of the Issue 10 story missions.

In addition if someone from the EU time zone would like to post and run one of these every few days for their appropriate time zone contact me and i'll show you the routes to take, orders of the missions, etc.

Finally, if more than 5 sign up we will split the signups in some fashion to create as many viable groups as possible.

Re: Tokyo Daily Group *Aegis exp grind* 21:00GMT

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:10 am
by Shock G
I can't guarantee I will be home every day at this time. My commute takes more time as the week progresses (seriously, roughly 30 min. on Monday, 60-90 min. on Fridays, and it's mostly caused by chain braking for things like: a car is entering the highway in the opposite lane, or drivers are entering a short tunnel and they literally think the lanes are getting narrower, or drivers who insist on going 80 MPH up a hill want to go 40 MPH down the opposite side).

Signed. If I miss starts, I miss them.

Re: Tokyo Daily Group *Aegis exp grind* Sunday 21:00GMT

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:19 am
by Trommari
i can come