Nine Swords • My entry to Krampus Karol contest
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My entry to Krampus Karol contest

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:16 am
by lonemonkey
So i hear i have won 2nd place on the Krampus Karol contest.

Here was my entry.

Hel hath no fury like a Mother scorned,
Krampus - nacht totschlagen all!
Severed hands, five nails - need horns!
Dark found light no hope in halls...

On Krampusnacht thou "GO TO HEL"!
Heathen! Hunger! Famine! Felled.
Meet on yon hill The Secret World and dwell,
Daughter 'N Goddess in Niflhel.

Then by tryst - betwixt two worlds,
That cloven foot should cramp thy skin...
In frozen Hel that wind did unfurl,
Which side is your side at Mother's shin?

On Krampusnacht thou "GO TO HEL"!
The heathen mother of hunger prime...
Meet on yon hill, The Secret World and dwell -
With the Daughter 'N Goddess in Niflheim!

Lay abreast at thy pillars - fangs of Fenrir,
And the maggots of your well rotted corpse...
For the love of this Mother as Hel freezeth over,
T'was not a trick, not a myth from the Norse.

On Krampusnacht thou "GO TO HEL"!
The heathen mother of famine primed...
To meet on yon hill, The Secret World and dwell -
In the Daughter 'N Goddess of Niflheim!

For thine is the underworld - ninth bound and tell...
The Hel and the fury before Ragnorak.
Lest for ever and ever in a circle of Hell...
We summon forever - Auld Krampusnacht!

Happy new year folks.

Re: My entry to Krampus Karol contest

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:32 am
by Katelin
Congratz!! Great entry :D

Re: My entry to Krampus Karol contest

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:57 am
by Floryn
Cool! Grats.

Re: My entry to Krampus Karol contest

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 12:09 pm
by Mellified
Nice one Monkey! Grats.