Nine Swords • 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death Drabbles
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400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death Drabbles

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:47 am
by Mellified
As it is the Bard's 400th anniversary today I thought I would try to include some of his writings in two Drabbles. They follow on from Floryn's Drabble where Floryn and Mellified are arguing in a bathysphere about who gets to look out of the window. (Are we there yet?)


After they’d finished squabbling, Mellified and Floryn sank into sporadic silence as the bathysphere descended into the depths. They played ironic I-Spy to pass the time. Their mission was investigating a hydrothermal vent that Templar boffins believed was ejecting filth instead of superheated sea-water. As they approached, the absolute black outside the bathysphere seemed to deepen into something rich and strange.

They switched on the spotlights and the tower of the filthy vent was revealed. ‘Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble’ swamped her consciousness - she noticed that Floryn was repeating the same verse under his breath.


The mission objective confirmed, they began the long return journey to the surface - keeping the spotlights on. Both of them thought they could hear a bell tolling in the depths. As they pulled up, massive hulls of submarines loomed out of the filthy dark. Floryn identified them as German U-58’s. Six of them - arranged in a star shape around the vent.

Suddenly, main power was cut and in the eerie glow of red emergency lights the intercom crackled and buzzed and spat ‘Full fathom five thy fuhrer lies’. It was the massed voices of thousands of people all shouting as one.


Re: Shakespeare's Birthday Drabbles

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 12:55 pm
by Floryn
Really good! 8-)