Nine Swords • MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT
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MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:26 pm
by Blueplain
The time has come to move forward with aegis. MFA NM fit farm. Have to be at least full 2.0
1. Aberlour - Tank
2. Yuriksha - Heal
3. Kisshoten - DPS/Dabs
4. Mellified - DPS
5. Blueplain - DPS

Bench: julez221 and Sonno

To avoid confusion as I am a calander NOOB, the run is at 8PM BST. I think I have corrected the callender time though.

I shall give my kit to Sonno and if Abe can give his kit to julez221 that will mean those that are not in the first run still get their kits and Sonno doesnt have to mess up his sleep. I took quite a while to choose who was to come for this first run and I made a team that will do this most smoothly. So you get to sleep in and have a kit Sonno ;). I want to run this same time every week until everyone who wants to improve their aegis all get 2.4 Then we shall move onto MFB. It takes 36 kits to go from 2.0 to full 2.4. If we get 2 kit rotations in each week it will take 18 weeks to get 5 people their kits. If we do two MFA farms a week it will only take 9 weeks to get 5 their kits. So let me know if you want me to schedual more runs to make it quicker. Try to be ready for the event 10 minuites before so we can start right on the hour. Perhaps in future we can run it a little earlier too.

Re: MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:58 pm
by julez221
Male dps dabs

Re: MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:01 pm
by Aberlour
Don't need the kits, but I can come help, any role.

Re: MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:44 am
by Yuriksha
Yuriksha, any role, at least for the first boss. Dunno about after that.

Re: MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 7:09 am
by Mellified
DPS please probably! Is the time meant to be 18.00 GMT? Or is it 8pm GMT which is 21.00 GMT? Confused? I am!

Re: MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 7:32 am
by Kisshoten
Mellified wrote:DPS please probably! Is the time meant to be 18.00 GMT? Or is it 8pm GMT which is 21.00 GMT? Confused? I am!
Blueplane still has trouble with time settings :p (the time that's put in the event field is the local time of the poster).

If it's 20:00 GMT, I should be able to make this one.

Re: MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:15 am
by Rick Fortune
Happy to be up insanely early on a Sunday morning here in Oz for this as well.

Re: MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:53 am
by Aberlour
I'll healtank first boss for sure, we'll see about the second. Might healtank it too and have Yuri run support DPS (Aka debil and ball catcher).

Re: MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:09 am
by Yuriksha
And here I thought I was going to get away with loading up my build a day ahead of time. I'll probably need advice on what my build should look like for this role.

Re: MFA NM Kit Farm Saturday 16th at 8:00pm GMT

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:40 pm
by Yuriksha
Heads up, I'm practically chain-bluescreening here. Will try to fix things enough to be on in time. But if not, you know I've got a reasonable excuse.