Nine Swords • Lore Gathering
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Lore Gathering

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:31 pm
by Prosper01
Katelin wrote:Ok.. I have developed this idea further in my head - and would actually like to do this event over a series of Months - with a culmination in a large internal social event in the late autumn early winter.

Would be great if perhaps someone from the PvE division, Mission Control, Pen and RP division would sign up with interest to support me in this event so we can work on the following types of events...

2. Lore gathering (Dedicated hunting teams)....
The purpose of this thread is to organize ideas and, eventually, people to gather Museum of the Occult lore.

Here are my ideas, which I've been stewing on for a few days but am nevertheless very open to suggestions. These are not rules or first principles (yet), even though I kinda wrote them that way.

1. Focus: The focus of the lore events will be getting cabal members any Museum lore that takes multiple people to acquire, or is not acquired easily alone. As such, lore that is just sitting in the open world will be considered outside of our scope, with the possible exception of lore sitting in nightmare areas. Even these can be grabbed on suicide runs, though, and will be at best a tertiary concern. This means that anyone who wants 100% lore will still have to invest substantial amounts of their own time.

Lore that drops from easily solo-able mobs, even randomly, will be a secondary objective, likely only done at the end with any leftover time, if at all.

The primary objective will be lore that requires groups, such as lore found in dungeons, lore from mobs not easily solo'd, and lore that is assembled over time.

2. Time: The main lore event will be a series of 5 weekends, each focusing on one zone.
a. Solomon Island, including Darkness War
b. Valley of the Sun God
c. Transylvania, including Facility and Slaughterhouse
d. Kaidan, including Manufactories
e. Agartha, Hell, and Manhattan

I imagine, with this scope, we could pull this off in an hour or two a day for 5 Saturdays/Sundays. If there is sufficient interest, we could have both EU and NA runs.

3. List: Of course we'll need to develop a list of lore for team leaders to follow. Here's a good spreadsheet of everything. This part should not be started until our scope is finalized from part 1.

4. Preparation:Actually beating the mobs is pretty trivial, but gathering summoning materials is often not. We'll need a team of people tracking down Resurrection Joe parts, etc., over the preceding weeks.

5. Participants I could see this portion of the event being open to the general population, as a kind of public service. We'll schedule around our cabal's needs, but there's really no harm in having a train of people following along as lore isn't a limited resource (with one exception, below).

6. Filth Guardians 8: This lore essentially requires beating all 3 regional bosses, and only rewards one person. This one may be outside our scope. If it's not, we'll want to coordinate with the lair-running team and figure out how this lore would be distributed (e.g. lottery). This would not be open to the public and would take a great deal of time if we wish to get this lore out to significant numbers of people. I am not sure we should worry about it for purposes of this event.

Please offer any and all thoughts; again, what's above is hopefully a starting point.

Re: Lore Gathering

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:54 am
by Katelin
Happy with pretty much all of that. The lair ones really are only ever just need / greed with whoever is present. Can't really do more than that. We will continue lair runs as usual each Monday gmt evening. Maybe also with a couple extra in the time frame.

For part 2b. Hell dungeon runs too, maybe?
For part 4. I still have no parts
For part 5. Can always announce in event if it's viable for people to come along from outside cabal
Like with happy feet lore or jinn 8.

In terms of leaders... or people running this. We are 3 people. Noone else signed up, so please consider realistically what you can achieve. Please don't over stretch or burden yourself :)

Re: Lore Gathering

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:53 pm
by Katelin
@Mellified - as you said this was also an area you could help with (assuming I remembered correctly) - perhaps you can take on some of these ideas from Prosper to run in EU times? :)

Re: Lore Gathering

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:08 pm
by Mellified
Nice one Katelin/Prosper - I would happily do some EU time stuff for this.

Does the lore include all the bits that are needed too - like the shards and ursine rib - or would they be classed separately? Perhaps there could another event focusing on those bits alone? Dunno how many things are easily got in a group.

We could also do a swap event (with rolls?) for the spares. I notice that some are in the cabal bank already and I have at least 2 spare lunar and solar shards.

Re: Lore Gathering

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:52 pm
by Katelin
Maybe in some cases, Mel - I would certainly aim to run some lairs in the aim of getting regional pieces for the museum.
I think we will have some overlap.

A swap event - or even a swap thread would be a fantastic idea - I also have some duplicates in my inventory!
(A thread might help us bridge multiple time zones easier ?? )

Re: Lore Gathering

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:35 am
by Katelin
Prosper - has noone been interested in the US timezones with this? I was hoping to have seen events on the calendar by now :)