Nine Swords • "Not like in the books"
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"Not like in the books"

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 4:04 pm
by Sekrain
(Anyone who wants to join this little experiment is welcome, join the roleplaying conversation and let's see where we can take it)

10:52 a.m.
First time I see the Library. Compared to the Templars HQ, this is more suited for a secret organization. Not as many books, and most of them revolve around practical use of knowledge: how to kill, how to mix, how to sense, how not to talk to demons (in case of emergency).
All of this became part of my life after a bee got in my mouth. Nothing really makes any sense yet I feel like I can live with it. Except the bit castle as a HQ, that still gets into my nerves everytime I see it.
And the silence. Since then, silence always comes as an omen of a supernatural entity about to strike me, yet here on this small place, sitting next to the fire... Feels safe.

- "I should have brought a book before sitting" - I say as I close my eyes. - "I guess is to late for me now."

Re: "Not like in the books"

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:18 am
by Sekrain
While I sit there I begin thinking about the books on the shelfs.
I don't really think they might have some old western novels or a romantic novel to change rutine.
But why on Earth the Templars would have those kind of lectures on their libraries? We are still "humans" but no real reason to have those kind of mundane things at hand.

- "Maybe I can get a nice book with this weird coins, though It might be more of a magic book than a common novel."