Nine Swords • Call to Arms - Elite Evenings - Page 2
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Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:31 am
by Anatoli
You're just 1 AR short to be able to run the elites.

Joking! ;)
Jump in, it's alright.
We're running a pretty constant setup right now, but there's usually at least one variable spot available each evening.

TANKS! HEALERS! People are getting geared and willing. We need you so we can form 2 progression groups! :)

Get ready for the gatekeeper too, I think each of us should be ready to down him soon.

Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:00 pm
by Jaque de Molay
hehe that is perfect amount for us all to get in there as more people running the better!!!

Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:18 am
by Anatoli
The main team is moving on to Nightmare mode, so we are not going to throw invites for elites every single evening :)
If you need to get elites done, feel free to poke us with a totem pole. Most of us will gladly help you with elites.

Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:17 am
by Q-in
AR/ELE DPS... I'll edit tomorrow with my numbers but I ran a few elites last night and was putting out pretty good numbers.. well good enough to keep getting invites.. If I'm on, I'll accept any invites!!

Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:01 pm
by Jaque de Molay
Please guys everyone who wants elites and still have achievements required to enter nightmare, LET US KNOW and we will take you through them asap as we have found out that the Nightmare bosses are a lot more fun :-)

Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:48 am
by Q-in
Not sure if this is an option, but I will be on Saturday afternoon (EST) until late late night. I am willing to run any/all elites to get as many people gear and clearance as possible. Not sure it can be put on a calender or as an event, but I'm willing to try to get folks through them!!

Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:25 am
by Jaque de Molay
Fantastic buddy, I am sure that we will be able to throw a group together to complete some Elites for you on a Sunday and I will be looking forward to seeing another player Nightmare ready :-)

Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:00 pm
by Torvus
My problem is that I cannot seem to find anyone that is willing to do Hell Fallen so I can move into the elites. Unless I misunderstand, I need to do it to unlock the elites? If some folks would be willing to go with me (I have a decent tank and DPS spec) I would then be ready to move on to elites. Sadly, it seems that I am in the middle between those that are WAY beyond it and those that haven't quite made it there.

Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:07 pm
by AurKayne
I'm always willing to run any elite if I'm online, send an invite and I will drop what I'm doing. I absolutely love teaming up with all of you folks, it's been awesome every time! Don't forget to invite XPhyle too!

Re: Call to Arms - Elite Evenings

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:24 pm
by Hebdomas
Torvus wrote:My problem is that I cannot seem to find anyone that is willing to do Hell Fallen so I can move into the elites. Unless I misunderstand, I need to do it to unlock the elites? If some folks would be willing to go with me (I have a decent tank and DPS spec) I would then be ready to move on to elites. Sadly, it seems that I am in the middle between those that are WAY beyond it and those that haven't quite made it there.
You don't need to finish the normals to move on to the elites. I'm almost done with elites and haven't done normal Ankh or normal Hell 2 (I get their names messed up). As long as you have QL8 blues or QL10 greens you should be good to go to start on elites.

I just need Facility (elite) and I'll have completed all the elites. Though I need to do some more runs of other instances or find blue QL10 talisman kits as I'm still using three greens. :(