Nine Swords • New face or Lost Soul? - Page 2
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Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:58 am
by Naite
Naite looks around the cafe, noting that there are no other customers in at present, before taking off his cap and placing it on the table infront of him. The book gets placed next, face down but open at his page and he rests his hand upon it, obscuring the title slightly, but leaving the letters "The Spec..." and "Ba..." visible.

"There's normally so many people in here, it's hard to keep track of everyone." he says in reply to Silas. "I was recently on a trip to New England, but it was so foggy, I never got a good look at people's faces. We may have bumped into each other there?"

Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:24 pm
by Blood-Born
"No, I don't think that is it", Silas replied shaking his head. "I spend most of my time between Egypt and Transylvania. It has been a while since I have been to Kingsmouth."

Silas paused for a moment of thought then nodded to himself. "I know why your name sounded familiar. I saw it on a list of recruits that recently joined our ranks." Silas turned to the young lady seated next to him continuing his conversation, "And if I am not mistaken, you were on that list as well.", nodding in her direction.

Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:15 am
by Sep
"List?" she looks up, "Oh most likely, new job and all that. I'm Sep, well Sephora Jones actually but everyone just calls me Sep." She waves a hello to both of them while taking another sip of her coffee.

Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:13 pm
by Naite
Naite strokes the stubble on his chin and mumbles through a wry smile, "I'm never sure if these silences are awkward or not?"

"Almost forgot," he says, in a way that suggests he hadn't forgotten anything at all "Richard said you would be here at this time. Had to check it was you first." From a small pouch in his trouser legs, he pulls a small brown packet, slightly smaller than a paperback book, tied with string. He throws it gently so it lands on the table in front of Silas.

He stands, puts his cap on, slips his glasses over his eyes and starts towards the door. As he passes Sep he pauses, placing an identical package before Sep "One for you too." He then steps up to Mary and tries to pay his bill despite her protesting that his earlier help covered it.

Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:23 pm
by Blood-Born
Silas Looks warily at the package, "This is from Sonnac? Should I be worried or afraid? He tries to avoid me as much as he can." Lifting the package slowly, he puts it up to his ear and shakes it gently.

Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:26 am
by Sep
"From Sonnac?" she frowns glancing down at the package and then over at Silas. "At least you know it's something which can be safely tossed." she then shrugs and nudges the package with a finger tip.

"Probably more work which for me always involves cleaning dirt, gore and taco sauce off of ancient artifacts. If it's urgent, then Sonnac will be texting any moment otherwise it can wait. I would like to finish my break first."

She leans both elbows on the counter, the package just in front of her, and continues to slowly drink her coffee.

Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:48 pm
by Floryn
"What have I stepped into this time", Floryn thinks as he looks around the place. "Just look at the dust on the tables." Just as he opens the door to step outside again, one of the people in the cafe addresses him.

Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:01 pm
by Blood-Born
"I am afraid that isn't dust. There was a bit of an outbreak recently, but the situation has been dealt with. Please sit have a drink to warm you up." Silas goes over and wipes off a table with a slight smile as if to appologize even though he doesn't work there.

Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:17 pm
by Floryn
Floryn is not sure how to react. Did he say that last thought out loud? And why does this man wipe off the dust of the table? He doesn't look like he works here.

Floryn takes a long look into the man's eyes. Can he be trusted? What's the outbreak he is talking of? Why is the man interested in him at all?

Satisfied for now with the trustworthy smile of the man, Floryn sits down. "I'll have a Talisker, if possible."

Re: New face or Lost Soul?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:24 pm
by Sep
Curiosity piqued, Sep glances over at the newest arrival whom Silas convinced to stay.

"A Talisker? I'm curious, what type of coffee is that? That's not the one where the coffee fruits are first eaten by a toddy cat is it?"