Nine Swords • The 9S cookbook - Page 2
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Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:21 pm
by Ravynswind
Xee's (Jo's) crepes (not pancakes, but actual crepes)

1 cup of flour
2 cups of milk
1 extra large egg or 2 small ones
½ teaspoon of salt

(Stop here if you plan to use the crepes with stuffing to make it a meal, i.e. crepes stuffed with chicken, broccoli and cheese or etc. Otherwise, for a treat, keep going with the next ingredients.)

3 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Favorite essence extract if you want or you can leave the batter plain and top it with sweets instead.

Preparing the batter

Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl.
Add the egg (without its shell, obviously), the vanilla extract and essence.
While gradually adding the milk, whisk or use a mixer.
Make sure there's no chunks of unmixed flower.
The result is a batter that's rather liquid.

Panning the crepes

Use any non-stick pan or a crepes pan of approx 8 inches diameter.
Pre-heat it at medium heat with a mix of butter with a touch of oil to prevent the butter from turning brown).
When the butter and oil seem hot (but not overly hot), let a drop of batter in the pan to test.
If the butter/oil shows bubbles around the drop, the pan is at the right temperature and you're set to go.
TIP: Crepes are thin, too much heat and you'll burn them, so you'll want to make them with below medium temperature.

Make sure the pan is oiled rather evenly.
Pour a ladle of batter in the pan and "roll" the pan to spread the batter on the surface of the pan. DO NOT use the ladle to spread the batter, you'll break the crepe...

Wait until the top has stopped being liquid, then carefully flip the crepe with a spatula.

When it's a nice golden color, slide it on a plate and enjoy with your favorite toppings.

Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:21 pm
by Xeeyon

We have a "famous" kitchen... We were just missing our very own cookbook! :D

Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:23 am
by velkore
I'll contribute my Broccoli Beef recipe if you don't mind

What you'll need:
Japanese soy sauce (Kikkoman is the most common, chances are you won't find many other types in grocery stores)
2-3 flower heads of broccoli
~2 lbs chuck roast/London broil/whatever you can get
1 thumbnail of ginger root (you only need about 1 tsp, peeled and minced)
3 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp rice vinegar (if you don't have this, it's ok. It acts as a tenderizer OR if you want to skip marinade)
1/2 white onion
3 carrots
2 tbsp cornstarch or 1/4 cup of flour (substitute)
2-3 tbsp desired oil (vegetable oil is recommended)
1tbsp brown sugar

I usually don't bother cutting it up until it's ready to be cooked, but it's your choice. For the marinade, add about 1/2 cup of soy sauce, 1 tbsp of cornstarch in a small bowl and whisk together until it blends together, then add 1 tbsp rice vinegar and 1/4 cup of water. If you want to further add more flavor you can add garlic salt/powder to the marinade.

Mince the garlic (or press) and ginger root (peeled, cannot be press, this can hurt if you try :cry: ). Peel the onion and chop into quarters and separate each layer (I don't eat onions but the flavor is important, if you like onions, you will need to chop the onion into smaller pieces). Peel the carrots and cut into slices. Rinse the broccoli flowers and remove the stem. Work on removing the individual florets and cutting them into desired sized florets.
Set everything aside. In a wok or pan, heat 1 tbsp oil. While the oil heats, move on to the next step.

Depending on the meat you get (we usually get 2 inch thick roasts), have the thickness about 1 inch, you'll want to trim off any unwanted fat, then slice into desired size (I recommend roughly 1 inch strips, no thicker than a cigar lighter). Once the oil has been heated add the meat and chopped onion. Once the meat has been cooked and slightly seared (that's how I like it anyway), empty the wok/pan, placing the meat on a plate. Without returning the wok/pan to the heat, take some soy sauce and add a tbsp or two to deglaze/remove any sauce or bits of beef stuck to the pan, and then pour it over the beef.

Broccoli and finishing steps
Heat 2 tbsp of oil in your wok, once heated thoroughly, add the broccoli florets and sliced carrots, stir constantly. Add garlic. Once the tops turn into a dark green color (about 5 minutes of constant stirring on high), add 1/4 cup of water and cover, let steam about 7 minutes, check constantly, make sure there's always a half inch of water or so in the wok (the broccoli should be a little hard to pierce with a fork, the final heating steps and residual heating can make the broccoli mushy if you overcook it in this phase). Finally, drain any excess water, add the beef and sauce from the plate reduce heat to medium. In a separate bowl mix the minced ginger, brown sugar, 1/4 cup of soy sauce, a tbsp or so of water and 1 tbsp of cornstarch, whisk until mixed well. Pour on the broccoli/carrot/beef mixture. Heat for a minute or two, there should be a semi-thick glaze on the beef. Serve over rice and enjoy.

If I missed anything or was unclear let me know!

Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:40 pm
by Katelin
Kates Quick Pork and Mushroom "Stroganoff"

Pork (thin steaks cut into bite sized strips 300g ish)
White onion (sliced)
1 pot creme fraiche (200g ish)
1 tbsp Mustard
1 tbsp Tomato Puree (or ketchup if you ran out of puree)
Chopped Musrooms (from a can is ok - if you ran out of mushrooms, corn works)
Rice (cook per packet instructions or use Nexas instructions.. but for white rice and to the chuck in the bin part)

Start cooking rice

In a frying pan--
Soften onion in pan
Throw in pork
When pork is cooked, add cremefraiche, mustard, tomato puree, mushrooms and seasoning

When rice is cooked, drained and distributed in dishes
Put pork / mushroom mixture on the top


Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:44 pm
by SirVent
SirVent's Bosnian Style Dessert Palacinke
(Which is disturbingly similar to Xee's crepe recipe, making me second guess posting this)

125 g all-purpose flour
2 eggs
120 ml milk
120 ml water
2 g salt
30 g butter, melted
Powdered Sugar

1)In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and the eggs. Gradually add in the milk and water, stirring to combine. Add the salt and butter; beat until smooth.

2)Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each crepe. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly.

3)Cook for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is light brown. Loosen with a spatula, turn and cook the other side. Set aside on a plate to cool. Repeat until batter is emptied.

4) Spread Nutella over one side, covering at least a half of one side. Then, From the side with the Nutella, roll it up so the Nutella portion is visibly in the middle. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and set aside on a plate. Repeat for all others. Served warm or room temperature.

Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:21 am
by Fall
I really wish I had some cooking skill. A lot of these sound great but I have no doubt in my mind I would completely ruin them and end up with heavily burnt chunks of char.

Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:32 am
by Xeeyon
Because he didn't himself... Here's something that sounds oh so tasty...
Nexa wrote:Frickin' birthdays... okay, gimme a moment....


Your gift? Some... banana recipe my Malagasy roommate taught me. Kinda.

1/2 cup of white flour
1/2 cup of RICE flour
1/2 cup of corn flour
2 eggs
Cinnamon and sugar
1 deep fryer with oil of preference

Combine the 3 flours together until completely mixed. Add the eggs and and small portions of water, 1/4 cup at a time and stirring, until a thick consistent mixture is formed. Be careful not to make batter too runny, at most you will need a little over the initial 1/4 cup of water. Cut the bananas into equal sized quarters, dip into the batter. The drop the bananas into the previously mentioned deep fryer filed with oil at medium high heat settings. Cook bananas until batter is crisp, then remove from fryer. Immediately spinkle on cinnamon and sugar to your hearts content, eat while warm.

Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:46 pm
by Nexa
I've leanred so many alternative Palacinke recepies lately... my mind is being blown. Also, Kate's is now finally up but too lazy to transfer it.

Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:49 pm
by Ravynswind

SO these are not deserts, and certainly not sweetly either but here they are.

1 FRYING PAN (nonstick)
3 green onions
1 carrot
2 celery ribs
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon thyme
Olive oil (or sesame)
2 cups precooked rice, cooled to room temperature
2 large eggs, beaten
1 cup crumbled bread, potato or white prefered

Chop the vegetables into itty bits and cook with garlic, salt, pepper pepper and thyme in 2 tablespoons of oil in a nonstick frying pan for about 6 minutes or until carrots are softened, then remove from heat. In a seperate bowl, mix together the rice, eggs, bread crumbs, then add the vegetable fry into the bowl, then mix until consistent. Mold the mixture into 8 even sized patties. Form them tightly or they might break apart in the pan.

Cook the first 4 rice patties in 2 tablespoons of oil in the frying pan over medium to high heat, flipping them once until browned on both sides, about 7 minutes total. Cook remaining 4 cakes in 1 tablespoon oil. when finished, serve with side of soy sauce.

Re: The 9S cookbook

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:35 pm
by Venator
Isnpired by today's Chat.

Kingsmouth Special Omelet

You need:
1 Hammers build
1 Elementalist build
3 Draug egg sacks
Heavy cover fire

Clear a nice picturesque spot on Kingsmouth Beach. Have your Hammers buddy whisk the eggs up carefully, dodging incoming attacks. Throw in spices by your taste - pinch of lead, cup of depleted uranium, zap of Blood magic will do. Set your Elementalist to medium fire, cook until the eggs have set. The underside should be a pitch black, top too.

Fall back towards backup, assist with cover fire. Run when something big and ungly comes to investigate your culinary.