Nine Swords • NA Raid Wednesday 19 March 18:00 PST - Page 2
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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 19 March 18:00 PST

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:20 pm
by Aberlour
Kisshoten wrote:It's great that you guys are now downing it consistently.
Now we only need more cabal US raiders :P
Yeah that would be good, we'll get there eventually, been encouraging people to apply if they don't have a cabal. I've also been trying to get Enzymatic to have his Templar alt join, even if he doesn't really play him, that way he can sign Enzy up for the weekend raid too. Sadly, Pentheus is in a cabal already with his Templar, but at least they're both down to come whenever we're short people, so I'll take that.