Nine Swords • NMs for Nervous People - Page 2
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Re: NMs for Nervous People

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:21 pm
by Faraleth
Oh yes, deal me in! Pugs and noobmares just turn me off just by watching the stuff they say on noobmares chat. Anyway, here're my deets:
Which day(s) are best for you - Saturday and Sundays; Weeknights I can squeak in time permitting.
Your preferred or alternate role - Ranged Dps (SG/Pstl)
Your NM dungeon level of experience - 2/4 18's (Polaris, DW, and HR til the Machine Tyrant pwns me)
Your favourite colour - Yellow (such a happy color)

Re: NMs for Nervous People

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:12 pm
by Floryn
Hi, I feel I can't let this opportunity pass.

Which day(s) are best for you - Friday and Saturday
Your preferred or alternate role - Healer
Your NM dungeon level of experience - None (really nervous)
Your favourite colour - Ultraviolet


Re: NMs for Nervous People

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:44 pm
by Regrette
Love to do some NM
Have not as yet and this sounds like a great way to learn

Sundays all day just about Wednesdays 3-4 hours

DPS Blade/Fist

Re: NMs for Nervous People

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:24 pm
by SingedKitty
Day: not as important as time... only 2 days I'm on during GMT friendly hours--Wed & Sun. If I know I need to be somewhere during US evening times, I can usually make it.
Preferred role: DPS
NM exp: 2 lol (thanks Abe!)
Color: Black