Nine Swords • Are you thinking of a future with 9S? - Page 18
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 6:56 pm
by Venator
Laurelin is sort of close knit community too. :P

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:27 pm
by dancop
Fez wrote: I herald from Evernight originally, but I also created creeps on Laurelin since I preferred their style of PvP fighting :P
Welcome another exile from the Laurelin :)

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 1:41 pm
by Fez
Thank you very much! :D

So what build are people aiming for when they start the game? :)

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:18 pm
by Xeeyon
I like a mix of DPS with some heal. That's my "natural" play style.

I also like some Tank & Spank ("Hey!! Ugly!! I'm roight he'e, you meanie bastuh!!"), but it depends who I play with. Sometimes, players don't know (or worse, don't care) about aggro management and make it impossible for the tank to keep the mob's attention. The whole team pays the price, and either the doc or the tank are always blamed for it :P

In short: I'll go for the "in your face" builds :D

But the ability to have different builds has the advantage of allowing to add more fighting styles without having to roll another character, so I'll see what toys we have to play with at release ;)

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:20 pm
by Pride
My plan is to build the ultimate, litteral, glass cannon (healers gonna love me <3). But I guess I'll see what's possible and what's not fairly early :)

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:30 pm
by Xeeyon
Glass cannon?... (Many images come to mind, on of them relating to "shrapnel"...)

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:02 pm
by Pride
High damage, low survivbility. In vanilla wow, Rogues had that role... But I was thinking more of an actual cannon.. like, a sniper rifle.. or a howitzer!! Sadly, AR seems the only fitting way :p

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:05 pm
by Fez
I am usually a healer class, so was thinking of spicing it up a bit into an AoE dps/healer (thinking hammer/fist combo) ... Without more knowledge I cannot say for certain if it's a viable build though :D

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:24 am
by Succubus
Pride wrote:Character creator is still quite limited indeed, (yes, I am allowed to talk about it :P). Sadly, even when it's done I doubt they'd allow for Succubi :( Would have been a great concept for an Illuminati alt :D
Heh, probably. But if I wanted to play it, I would rather have it as a concept. Just as Venator was talking about :)

Venator wrote:I am just joking and pusing a heavy-RP mode on :P. Anyway, Succubus as a nickname may have really good RP and background story prospective. Like a seductress agent with some nasty tricks up her sleeve. 8-)
Yeah, I was thinking just the same thing, so I tried to book it. Unfortunately it was taken.

Xeeyon wrote:Hello Ea,

As you can see, the good old succubus fascination didn't go out of fashion yet, especially coupled with dancing... ;)


I'm sure we can find a few towels around :mrgreen:
Haha, yeah I guess I would not be surprised. I actually get that a lot. That or question if I played WoW for a long time or if I use to watch South Park. It was kind of fun the first three or four times but it got old very quick.
Thank you so much! I shall definitely ask if I need to!

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:55 pm
by wahoozerman
I'm looking at shotgun+fists right now, though that may turn into shotgun+hammers.

There's two pretty good combos down that line from what we've seen of the skill wheel, one being crowd control and the other being buffs.