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Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:03 am
by Floryn
“Floryn. Floryn!”
“Oh, hey Russ, what’s up?”
“What were you listening to?”
“Some music.”
“But what is that thing?”
“This? My walkman.”
“Your what?”
“My walkman. Come one, don’t tell me you never heard of a walkman? It’s great. I can listen to music everywhere. It’s like a portable stereo.”
“Ah, okay, an mp3-player. It’s rather big, isn’t it? How many songs can you store on it?”
“Ehm, well, that depends on the length of the tape. I usually use 60-minute tapes. One album on each side, so I would say about 20 to 25 songs on each tape.”
Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:07 pm
by Floryn
“Okay, quiet everone. Shirley, lights please.
Thank you, first slide, please.
Right, operation Marylin Mansion. As you all know the mansion in the Blue Mountain area has been overrun with Ak’abs. We believe that the mansion holds valuable information about the origin of the fog that has invaded Solomon Island, so we will need to fight our way in.
Next slide, please.
You can see our plan of attack … oh, hold on … the slide is upside down. Shirely, could you take it out and put it back in the right way up?”
“It’s stuck, Floryn.”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake.”
Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:46 pm
by Floryn
“It’s Lucien! He’s back!”
“What?! Where is he?”
Elizabeth’s excitement suddenly makes place for a solem expression. Almost whispering she shows Floryn:”There. There he is.”
Floryn’s excitement of seeing his long lost friend again seems to vanish with one look at this worn, haggard vagebond. Was that Lucien? “What has happened to him?”
“Word has it that he got stuck in one of the Venice scenario chambers.”
While examining the look on Lucien’s face, Floryn slowly approaches him. “Lucien? It’s me, Floryn.”
“My Parasitic, Floryn, where is it? I want to leech. I want my Parasitic. Where is it?”
Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:29 pm
by Floryn
"B, E, E, T, L, E, S, beetles."
"No, I am sorry, but Beatles is spelled with E, A. Thank you for participating Blair.
Okay, on to the final with are last two contestants: Tommy and Floryn!"
"First up is Floryn. Floryn, your word is 'beach'.
"B, E, A, C, H, beach."
"That is correct! Now Tommy, if you get this next word right, you will stay in the final, otherwise the Spelling Bea trophy will go to Floryn. Your word is Alexithymia."
"Say what?! Ehm, could I have that in a sentence please?"
Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:31 am
by Floryn
“Okay, Shirley, what can you tell me about UN0027?”
“Sir, UN0027 is the UN number for gunpowder, sir.”
“Correct. Floryn, could you add to that?”
“Sir, gunpowder has a flash point of approximately 427 to 464 degrees Celsius but the specific flash point may vary based on the specific composition of the gunpowder, sir.”
“Correct. Elizabeth, anything you can add?”
“Sir, gunpowder is a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate also know as saltpeter. The sulfur and charcoal act as fuels, and the saltpeter is an oxidizer, sir.”
“Correct. Right then, next chapter: the creation and use of flares.”
Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:30 am
by Mellified
Explosive AND educational. Nice one.
Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:54 pm
by Floryn
It was magnificent in its simplicity. A big curving concrete wall. As high as the mountains it was wedged in between. Holding back tons of water, creating an enormous lake which was now frozen solid. The accompanying power plant sat lifeless in its snowy surroundings. The wind howling through the windowless structure.
Floryn routinely attached a wire to the last explosive. His hands slightly trembling from the cold. Parts of the briefing ran through his head:“...vital importance...immediate threat...act quickly...the dam’s got to go.”
“The dam’s got to go,” he repeated softly as he activated the timer.
Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:19 am
by Floryn
“Oh come on! Every time I spawn here, you are here playing that damn guitar of yours! This is not a campfire, you hippie!”
“Peace out, man. Yeah.”
“Peace out?! You try to peace out when you can’t complete an assignment because of some pesky mummie!”
“Relax, man. Completing the assignment is not what it is about. Right? It’s about your way towards completing it. Yeah.”
“Oh yeah?! Try telling that to my boss! If I fail this assignment, I will hear about it for weeks to come!”
“Chill out, dude. Learning to live is learning to let go. Yeah.”
Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:28 am
by LeMort
Nice Floryn!

(Changed Guitar to Drums, noticed it was requested)
Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:13 am
by Floryn
“Okay, I count four cultists. Here’s what we'll do. I’ll move up behind that wall over there. Once I’m in place I will give you the signal. When I give the signal, you shoot one of those oil drums over there. The explosion should kill a few or at least incapacitate them. Then I’ll move in and take out the ones that are still alive. Clear?”
“Stay sharp, 'cause the explosion will undoubtedly alarm other cultists in the area. Once I move in, you move up behind the wall to give me cover. Clear?”
“Good. Watch your back.”