Nine Swords • Happenings at a coffeehouse - Page 3
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Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:11 am
by Arcadius
After a few awkward minutes were spent resting against my pile of files and papers, I wrenched myself up once more, forcing my spine into a straight column.I proceeded to twist my head around, dragging it in a large circle as wide as my neck would allow me. Satisfied with an acceptable amount of awareness, I returned to organizing my papers, a small collection of concert sheet music a good friend had dropped off at my temporary flat the previous night. After leaving the States to join alongside the members of a growing force in the Templar Order, I realized it would be difficult to retain my musical skills. I hoped to form a small ensemble within the order to help with that. However, it seemed I still needed to arrange my papers after shoving half of them aside with my face in some quest for a pillow.

In my state of inattentiveness, I never noticed the new girl that brushed passed me on her way into the coffee shop. That is, until I felt her distinct psychic imprint on the world around her. There's another natural skill that psychics must come to terms with, and that's being able to sense the presence of others. To be fair, most humans have the capacity for this, but with a limited capacity. Where as a "regular" human might feel a small itch or some dark inkling that someone is approaching, a psychic much like myself would feel the irregularity of the individual, and could theoretically tell you exactly where that person was. This doesn't work very far however, usually just in a 5 meter radius or so.

I quickly took a look at the rather meek girl, then returned to my work.

Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:36 pm
by TheShadow
*After a few moments pass, she finally gets up and goes to order herself a drink...nothing special, sugar. She reclaims her empty table. She absently brushes her hand against her coat, finding a small bit of comfort in knowing her weapons were still safe and secure. She didn't suspect she would need them in this place, but she had learned well from past experience that an attack can come at anytime in anyplace.*

Can never be to careful... *she was talking aloud to herself...a bad habit she had picked up*

*She sips at her coffee and looks out the window*

So much like home...

Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:54 pm
by Venator
The door opens and closes soundlessly. A tall man comes in, wearing long black leather coat and completely black set of shirt, tie, jeans and boots, with only silver tie clip and cross-shaped belt bucke glowing in shadow. Shaking off the raindrops from his sleeve, he approaches the counter and orders a cup of spiced green tea, seemingly oblivious to the other customers - another Tamplar foothold, one of thousands all over the world, and he has seen many of them. Although here he may stay for long - HQ seemed to be quite anxious to get him here, for some reason.

With a shrug, Venator turns to the rest of the room, sharply nods to gathered Templars and heads for the darkest spare corner table.

Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:06 pm
by TheShadow
*She notes the new arrival, she was very attentive if anything else. Her eyes scan him briefly, noting his posture, checking for a limp, any noticeable scars. She was a medic and both the mundane world...and in this hellish war, which she figured was the reason HQ had sent her here. She smiles at herself suddenly and shakes her head*

Always thinking like the band aid box...

*she sips at her coffee again, taking a look around at the others, looking them over in the same way.*

Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:32 pm
by Kotts
Conlan watches each as they enter, and tilts his head to the mand with the cross buckle as he nods to the crowd of his fellows.
He looks back at Maxime.

"Well, seems this is becoming a hot spot. From the looks of it, they're all one of us."

He picks up his cup and sips his coffee as it has cooled some.

Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:07 am
by Ravynswind
I frowned as my internet began functioning again. Now I understood why the coffeehouse had become so crowded and in such a short time. I looked around at all my comrades. The words I uttered were barely above speaking voice, but I was certain everyone in the room could hear.

"So it has finally begun. We all knew it was coming, like dark clouds at sea ominously creeping to the shore.

The Secret War has begun. We are going to need to stand together as one and be stronger than we ever thought possible. who in this room stands with me?"

Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:48 am
by SirVent
We have only ourselves to blame, ma'am.

I turned my head to meet the gaze of a soul whom before I had said anything, was already visually examining me, like a doctor does for her patient, sending a chill down my spine. Without loosing that gaze I spoke up again

All of us.

and I broke eye contact, moving my line of sight to the first to speak up.

The council was very clear on the terms of the peace - if you can call it that - and all three of us made our claims for power. Whats done is done and we can't change that. But we can insure that our assets are protected by watching each other's backs. They will be coming for us, and we must respond in kind. Ma'am... I'll proudly stand with you. And together, we will make those lumie bastards pay.

Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:06 am
by Xeeyon
Maxime turned her eyes back to Conlan after the call to arms. "...We're up", she whispered to him. She stood up and walked to the counter.

"Ready to deploy", she quietly stated with a small casual wave of the hand before ordering another machiato. She would certainly have the time to drink it before getting her mission orders.

Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:34 pm
by Venator
Venator cracks his neck, sips some more tea and digs into his pocket, retreaving a dark red envelope he was instructed to open here. Breaking the seal reveals a note with message:

Fg bof ceb

He lets out a sigh - old school Caesar shift code is not much of security, but it helps to avoid direct spying over the shoulder. With some thought, shift value is found to be 13, so the message is:

St obs pro - Stay, Observe, Protect.

Seems the feeling that he'll stay here long proved true. Building up defences for upcoming war has always been one of the main concerns among leading Old Templars. No sitting for weeks in Asian snake-ridden swamps for now - some call it luck, Venator calls it calm before the storm.

Re: Happenings at a coffeehouse

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:37 pm
by Kotts
Conland stands spiked coffee in hand.

"I'm in. Where ever they send me, I just hope there's a good amount of God damned Illuminati."

He sips is coffee, and then continues.

"I mean what's the point of doing a job if you don't enjoy your work?"