Nine Swords • Are you thinking of a future with 9S? - Page 34
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:24 pm
by ozimandeus
Hi all,

Looking for a Cabal at the moment, my current one is a container with just me in it plus a few inactive friends - I still love the game so think its time to join a real cabal.
Have just sent an application after reading about you guys on Here's hoping you can add me to your ranks - I'm an older bloke (41yrs young), and have been knocking around computer/pc gaming since 1979. I was lucky enough to play MUDS pre 1992 when after that the internet changed everything (for the better!).

In my work life I am a programme manager, but I also Technologist, a Historian and a Philosopher- I'm passionate about technology and especially video games, and MMO in particular. I seek to influence my workplace and colleagues to embrace technology to not only simplify their lives, but because I believe technology will free us from eons of Ignorance and superstition.. odd perhaps then that I so adore immersing myself in the myths and legends of our forefathers!!

I very much looking forward to chatting with you and meeting new folks as well as exercising the RP muscle.

Take Care,


Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:14 am
by Sep
There it is! I was looking for this area.

Hello! I'm Sep. *waves*

I've been playing TSW since beta, spent most of my time just running duo with my partner doing missions and exploring the game. For one reason or another, I haven't gotten around to trying other aspects of TSW but I do look forward to giving dungeons and PvP a try. Now unfortunately my partner (and most of the other people I know in-game) have lost interest in playing so it's time I go looking for more, friends. Friends. New friends are always nice, aren't they? But, I was informed a while back that I may know some people here from Anarchy Online. If that is so, then it's rather unfortunate as most of those mentioned had either tried to kill me or arrest me at one point in time or another. Hopefully things will start off on a better note here. ...oh yes, I'm also very much in to RP and tend to spontaneously shift in and out of character. *smiles*

I look forward to meeting everyone.


Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:24 am
by tyrone3340
Hey guys I just filled out my app. to join nine swords and I just wanted to say hello. My name is Tyrone and I have playing online games for about 7 years. I am very easygoing and laid back and I love making new friends. I look forward to hearing from you guys soon and hope that you make me a part of your community.

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:41 pm
by Lokkehart
So I guess this is where I say 'hi'.

I'm Lokke or Lokkehart as I tend to be in game and I have been on a bit of a quest for the past year. Namely, I have been trying to find a group that roleplays in UK timezones. It's a tough search, I can tell you. However a kindly gent mentioned you in response to one of my posts on the roleplaying section of the official TSW and so I decided to take the plunge and come on over to meet you.

I've been into MMOs for about ten years now and I've been roleplaying in them for about the same length of time. Each MMO has its quirks and I've stuck with TSW since its launch mostly because its theme is very appealing to me. Although I love my technology, I'm also a sucker for all things dark and deviant. I am bit older than the average gamer but who cares about that right? Offline I write (third book currently underway) but I work in IT to pay the bills and take an interest in all things geeky. I can be a bit of a convention goer and have been known to indulge in some fairly extravagant costumes in my time as well.

So that's me and I'm hoping to get in touch with someone from the roleplay division so I can make a proper application. Myself and a couple of friends have been doing our best with some in game RP for the past eight months but we're all looking for somewhere to call home. I've heard of Nine Swords by reputation (a very good one, I might add) so I'm looking forward to making your acquaintance. :)

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:52 am
by Katelin
We definitely RP in EU timezones :) Our application to join the cabal is OOC and you will find it via the JOIN 9S link on the left side.

After joining, you are welcome to request an IC interview to join our Rapier division. if you would like to just chat with one of our Rapier division members before applying to make sure that we are a good fit for you - you can find a list of them all here: (Elania is the division leader of Rapier)

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:52 pm
by Lokkehart
Katelin wrote:We definitely RP in EU timezones :)
You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. :D

I shall make contact immediately and hope that I can find a place to fit in. Thanks for the welcome. :)

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:23 pm
by Asmod
I'm Steven and I'm a PvE er who a bit back realised this game catered to my love of RP and jumped in. I run a dodgey laptop (sitting at 5FPS average) and a tankey build. I work with people mainly, and.... yeah.


Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:37 pm
by retalt
Hi all, while having a quick breather between scenarios earlier today, I was fortunate enough to run into and chat with Katelin. I asked about this group as I am on the lookout for a more active and challenging Cabal. I am currently in The Crucible which has a great bunch of guys but they are spread out over several games and as a result, we do not get very much group action.

My name is Richard (Rich) and I am an Aussie. I love all aspects of this game so far. I have completed all but one of the Elite dungeons (Slaughterhouse) and am keen to get that done and dusted so I can look towards nm.

I enjoy PVP a lot, and am working up the level (Player Level 13) on all my weapons, talisman and glyphs. All are currently 10 and 10.1

I am working towards a DPS build and a Tank Build. Of course I will be guided by any suggestions of a needed type of player. I am on most days in the mornings and evening.

I am a college lecturer specializing in Visual Effects and 3D animation for the Film/Television industries.

I am really only interested in an active Cabal, not to cast aspersions but so many say they are and are not. Are you guys active ?

Katelin tells me there are some Aussies and Kiwi's here which is nice, as I have seen very few so far in this game.

Ok well that's about enough from me for now. Over to you. G'day and nice to meet you all.


Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:02 pm
by Katelin
Glad you found your way over here - just to confuse you, we have a Katelin (me) and a Kaitlina - though it was me you spoke with this morning :)

I will let others tell you about activity... because you already heard enough from me I am sure!

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:08 pm
by retalt
Hey Katelin, yes it was you ha ha ha, I was just looking through the members, and I see some familiar names :) but I did not Kaitlina and admit to being confused for a moment ;)