Nine Swords • Are you thinking of a future with 9S? - Page 35
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:10 pm
by Kisshoten
lol I can tell you the PvE here is very active! Scenario's, dungeoning or simply missioning you name it ;-)

How can you be in-game so early Kate! It's a workday :o

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:36 pm
by Uragon
She took the day off. :P Actually is in the city right now.

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:49 pm
by Katelin
I am thinking about a long future with our cabal... with a stomach full of Christmas Market food and snow in my hair :D

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:57 pm
by retalt
Cool, well I guess I will apply and take it from there :) thanks guys

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:04 am
by Fizzion
Hi my name is Fizzion, I like Secret World a lot and look forward to playing more of it with the Swords.
I have been away for a few months and hope to join Swords and share in the fun .. :) I like pve and pvp and dungeons.

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:15 pm
by Salsa
Hey guys, I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and new year, my nickname is Salsa, my ingame name is Pyromanser. I've had a long history with MMO's since Ultima Online and Everquest to as recent as WoW and obviously TSW. I've been playing since release of TSW, but unfortunately, my friends all stopped playing so I took a long hiatus. I'm back and I've rerolled to a templar.
I'm pretty laid back and am more of a casual player. I've been looking for a cabal to join, as I'm re-entering this game solo, and playing by ones self can get boring =[. I'm looking for some great people to hang out with and have fun with, and I was told this is the place to be. I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys all and hopefully being invited to join the family you guys call a cabal!

Salsa (Pyromanser)

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:53 pm
by Zerstaeuber
Hi there!

My Name is Lars, I'm 23 years old and I'm writing right now from the beautiful Bavaria!
Since Bavarians are used to drink beer and doing nothing else, i had no chance to imrpove my English. But I try my very best.
Currently I'm a student of philosopy, so I have the opportunity to play a lot!

I'm very interested in your "guild". I will ever say guild. Chains of habit.
I talked to a guildmember of NineSwords "Kiss". Very pleasent person by the way. So i hope the rest of your guild will be the same kind of person.
My ingame name is "Zerstaeuber".

I'm playing MMOs since I'm 14. Beginning with World of Warcraft, then Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, etc. I'm used to play Damage Dealer and Tank.
I spotted Secret World a year ago and started a trial version. Unfortunately i had to stop playing Secret World. Since middle of January i played it again. I improved my gear, my skills and after i while I get the gameplay. Finally! ;)

I hope we'll have the chance to talk with each other. Have a nice weekend.

Greetings Zerstaeuber!

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:01 pm
by Katelin
Hallo from Nürnberg :) and welcome to our forums. If you are interested in applying to join us - please click the JOIN 9S link on the left side of the website and fill out an application. This will then land by our Recruiters who will be happy to talk with you about your application and any questions you might have about the cabal.

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:49 am
by CarlBobo
Carl knocks on the door and rechecks the address he was given via bar napkin. "This is crazy." he whispers to himself and knocks again. "Hello?" he asks, still no answer. "Well doesn't seem like anyone is home." he says to no one. "But..." Carl reaches for the door knob and gives it a turn and pushes on the door. Surprisingly the door opens with a slight creak. A slight rush of air meets his face as he steps in. "Potpourri, seriously." he says to himself and takes a look around. Couches, loveseats and chairs adorn this large room along with coffee tables and nightstands. A thick dark blue carpet covers the floor with rugs positioned around the room. Old portraits and landscape paintings hang on the walls it what looks like an old gentleman's lounge from the twenties. "Hello!" he calls again, no one answers. "Hmm, I'll just put this here." Carl walks over to the center table and lays down a plan manila folder titled Carl "Bobosky" Bobo. In it is his history and contact information as well as his DD214 and SRB, copies of course. "Hopefully they'll get in touch with me." he mutters and heads back out the door shutting it behind him. As he gets into his car he takes one last look at the house that sits lonely on top of the hill. Carl just can't shake the feeling that someone is indeed watching him. With a shrug he gets in and heads off, Romania he thinks, wonder if they have vampires?

Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:15 pm
by Rissann
"Are you thinking of a future with 9S?"

Why yes, yes I am! Helloooooooo from Texas!!

I'm married, a step-mom of two grown kids, and a former teacher. Enjoying the vibe of this group already and find the structure of the nine divisions really interesting. I've played TSW for several months now and really enjoying it! I played WoW for about 5 years until recently, switched to Rift, started SWTOR, and discovered TSW. TSW is so different and challenging, just what I was looking for!

I mostly play during the day (till I get a new full-time job), Central time zone. I've always played DPS, usually solo. When grouping up, I've always been in a ranged support/DPS role, but just recently started trying to learn tanking mechanics. So far, I'm noticing that when signing up for a dungeon there are rarely any tanks or healers, mostly DPS. Makes it hard to get a group going.

Anyway, I enjoy being able to easily call on friends in the game whether it's just for a little chat or to group up. I enjoy helping newbies, answering questions, helping run missions.

Thanks for reaching out to me on the TSW cabal forum today, Katelin! Hope to get to know you and the rest of the group more.