Nine Swords • [DRABBLES] Floryn - Page 6
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Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:57 am
by Floryn
“What on earth is he doing?” Ishtar asked Shirley.

“That? You have never seen him do that before? That’s what would be classified as balter.”

“But is he alright?”

Shirley giggled. “He is more than alright, if you ask me. If Floryn dances like that, it means…”

“Dances?” Ishtar exclaimed. “Is that what it is?”

Shirley giggled again. “Indeed. If Floryn dances like that, it means that he is in a really good mood.”

Ishtar watched Floryn bounce across the dancefloor. His ‘whoo’s’ pierced the music.

“So, why is he in such a good mood then?”

“Oh, you haven’t heard?”

Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:37 pm
by Floryn
“The choice is yours. You either eat one stroopwafel or 6 pieces of liquorice.”

“Hold on. Are you saying that one stroopwafel equals 6 pieces of liquorice.”

“That’s right. One stroopwafel has as much calories as 6 pieces of liquorice.”

Floryn pondered. “One stroopwafel or 6 pieces of liquorice.” “Okay,” he finally said, “how about I take half a stroopwafel and 3 pieces of liquorice?”

“Well, half a stroopwafel and 3 pieces of liquorice are technically the same as either a stroopwafel or 6 pieces of liquorice but we don’t want to be left with half a stroopwafel. So, no.”

Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:42 pm
by Floryn
Too Much Information (TMI)

Ambient music played softly. Candles burned, their flames flickering, just barely lighting up the darkness. The scent of orange-mango massage oil filled the room. His hands gently rubbed her shoulders while her breathing slowly slowed down. Little moans let him know she enjoyed herself.

He carefully shifted and focused his attention to massaging her lower back. Was she asleep?

“You’re the best,” she softly said.

“I know,” he said and chuckled quietly.

The relaxed atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by a low voice with an Australian accent: ”Ehm, guys, could you use push-to-talk, please? You crazy Europeans.”

Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:43 pm
by Floryn
Some new words would be appreciated. :D

Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:34 pm
by Katelin

Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:41 pm
by Mellified

Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:00 pm
by Floryn
“Are you looking at me?” Floryn’s breath deepened, his eyes grew darker. He now shouted. “Are you looking at me?!”

Floryn pointed at the security camera. “You will never take the bee out of me! I won’t allow it. I won’t!”

People in the street looked at him suspiciously and passed him at a safe distance. Floryn looked at the security camera again. “I know one place where you don’t have power over me,” he whispered.

Floryn turned on his cell phone...Antanahe, Durendal, Ishco, Katelin, Shirley. Shirley, he would call her. He wondered if she would answer his call.

Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:33 am
by Floryn
Floryn sat upright in his chair and forced a smile while holding up his cardboard sign:”Free hugs”.

He knew that the news they had received would have major implications, although the extent of the implications was still uncertain. He had noticed that some of the Swords were in a state of panic. Some were even quieter than normal. One thing was very clear: this would be one of the greatest tests Nine Swords had had to face.

For now, he could only try to do what he could. He quickly flipped his sign when Anta walked in:”Free cuddles”.

*edited version

Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:30 pm
by Floryn
The transition seemed gapless. There had never been any doubt, of course, and it was to be expected from a Templar organisation but still, this was a momentous feat.

The new setup had caused some alarm at first but wasn’t it best to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer? It was a bold move as only an organisation with a strong foundation could make. It was feared that because of the transition the organisation would lose its core but the opposite was true.

This had proven to be a cabal which could stand the test of time.

Re: [DRABBLES] Floryn

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:36 pm
by LeMort
Fried Chicken

I will soon dig out my Drabbles as well
