Nine Swords • EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT - Page 3
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Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:26 am
by Xanax200mg
If we lack 1 member, I can ask my friend who was not allowed in 9S due to questionable nickname issues... I know he's dying to raid at least once. :idea:
(He's playing with our cabal members regularily anyway...)

Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:57 am
by Aberlour
I'll be home watching my sick stepdaughter so I can come. Leech, DPS, ranged dps.

Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:40 am
by Weigelia
Xanax200mg wrote:If we lack 1 member, I can ask my friend who was not allowed in 9S due to questionable nickname issues... I know he's dying to raid at least once. :idea:
(He's playing with our cabal members regularily anyway...)
Don't get Syphilis' hopes up ^^
13 people sign up, and more often than not a couple of people would have signed up but can't anymore. 3 reserves, and then some... and half a dozen last minute defections seems an unlikely event :)

Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:03 pm
by Claretta
Sorry about the late team posting...

Claretta - Leech
Torniquet - DPS
Riora - Buff DPS
Katelin - Tank
Kadyn - Tank

Uragon - healer
Kisshoten - Ranged DPS
Weigelia - Buff DPS
Elil - DPS
Misbeliever - DPS



Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:52 pm
by Xanax200mg
I dont want to seem to be bitchin' about anything (I usually like to keep "bitching" for IRL events, not in gaming.)
and honestly, I don't care at all because all I wanted this time were the 2points, which I got anyway, but I wanted to point out that Weigelia (despite being admin or supreme member of 9S) signed up as BUFF DPS after me, and she was assigned to team and I wasn't.

Again, it's cool... and I understand that admins have priority, and all... but if i had enough points to bid on items I need, I would have been left with a slightly bitter taste of rejection.

EDIT: Same goes with Kiss actually.

Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:00 pm
by Katelin
The team that is chosen for the raid has NOTHING to do with rank within this cabal. However, it does have something and everything to do with the overview provided in the sign up thread to this raid which you agreed to when you signed up:

Admins do not have priority. I am pretty gutted to be honest that you see it that way.

Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:09 pm
by Vendraen

As near as I can tell, Claretta chooses the team based on the requirements to actually kill the Lurker within a reasonable period of time, and that's it. Sometimes that means limiting the number of people that are inexperienced to a role (like, the first time I tanked, everyone else in the raid had to be totally experienced). But I see NO evidence of favoritism here. None. And that's one of the reasons Syr and i decided to pursue raiding with this guild.

Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:25 pm
by Weigelia
Xanax200mg wrote: Weigelia (despite being admin or supreme member of 9S)
You forgot to mention my delightful personality, an uncanny ability to provide unexpected and scenic deaths and the fact that I may or may not have sent nude pictures of myself to Claretta, threatening to send more if I wasn't part of the raid.

Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:28 pm
by Riora
Yes... order of sign-up is completely meaningless. Once you're in the pool of 13, you're chosen based on experience/performance/numbers of points/when you last raided/if you sat out. Admin status really doesn't factor in at all. For example, Ciritty, who is not an admin at all, gets chosen almost all the time because she is the best DPS we have and thus having her in the raid means we can take lower-geared DPS along without trouble.

While I do not presume to know Claretta's mind, I know that Weigelia raids extremely rarely, and that is likely why they got the spot.

Re: EU Raid Thursday 30 January 20:00 GMT

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:15 pm
by prosafa
Xanax200mg wrote:I dont want to seem to be bitchin' about anything (I usually like to keep "bitching" for IRL events, not in gaming.)
and honestly, I don't care at all because all I wanted this time were the 2points, which I got anyway, but I wanted to point out that Weigelia (despite being admin or supreme member of 9S) signed up as BUFF DPS after me, and she was assigned to team and I wasn't.

Again, it's cool... and I understand that admins have priority, and all... but if i had enough points to bid on items I need, I would have been left with a slightly bitter taste of rejection.
Well, I wasn't going to say anything else about it (had told Wigelia directly ingame), but I feel the same way. For 2 thursdays in a roll Wigelia got the buff DPS spot even signing after us. I know the sign order does not determine teams and it is up to raid leader to decide and he is free to chose whoever he wants based on whatever he thinks is fair - sign order, experience, friendship, guild rank or whatever - but this is frustrating to the rest of us. I believe this kind of complaint Xanax and I are doing does not contribute to make the World a better place, but I also think feedback is important. I don't want to get free points, I want to run the raid, get bullions, have a chance to roll for the loot and spend points, have fun and so on. If some people have priority over other cabalmates due to rank or anything else, I can live with that, but I'll just ask raid leaders to post teams like two days before the raid, because I would be willing to make some real life calendar adjustments to raid, but not to sit and say "I'm here, give me my 2 points". But that's just my 2 Pax.