Nine Swords • Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday
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Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:11 pm
by SofCa
Hello 9 Swords!

For the longest time I've been running away from grouping for dungeons... Well, no more! It's time to raise my arms against creatures of darkness in any form they may come!

I have to face my fear of screwing up in dungeons and iritating everyone in the group and actually running some tasty-tasty dungeons. :)

So, my plan is that this Saturday, 07.12.2013, I'll allot most of the day to get into elites. I'd like to start at 11:00 AM GMT and run the following: Enter the Filth Normal (I still need the lores in it and it's super fast), the Ankh Normal and then Polaris, HF and DW Elites. Then during the day if nothing comes up, I'll probably try and run others intermittently. So, I'll most likely be looking to group throughout the day. Yay! :D

So if any of you swords would like to join in to the fun and see me panicking whenever a mob charges at me, please let me know so I don't have to stand against the filth alone, with my new shiny AR/Pistol DPS build. :D

Plus, if everything goes fine, I'll treat everyone who participates with tasty fish and chips servings. :P

Be warned: I've only done Polaris (DPS and Leech), Hell Fallen (DPS and failed as a leech) and Darkness Wars (leech) on normal and I am terrible at this game. :P But, of course, I am willing to learn, I'm open to constructive criticism and even encourage it and I have made it as far as the Shadowy Forest, so there's still hope for me.

Thanks and see you in game!

Re: Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:20 pm
by Sh3
Weekend morning are terrible for me to do anything in game cause it's most beloved quality time with my son. We play together (mostly we build leggo stuff) I take to his basketball practice and to swimming classes :)...
Anyway I am usually on after lunch when he takes his nap and if you are around and grabbing people to go run elites or filth count me in i will gladly help!
See you after lunch ;)

Re: Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:41 am
by Sep
At 11 am GMT I shall still be asleep, but I can log-in latter and see if you still need one more person. Sep can DPS or attempt healing.

Re: Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:59 am
by Woan
I will be around most probably after lunch time. In case you still need one more DPS or a Healer, then I will gladly join. :)

Re: Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:52 am
by SofCa
Based on your replies, I think I should kick back the starting time to around 13:00.

I'll probably run issues 5 and 6 if they come off cooldown until then. I love my signets. :D

Re: Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:02 pm
by SofCa
First part of the elite dungeon run was completed. And I had so much fun!

A big thanks to Kiss, Zyso, Woan and ty3340! We've gone through Polaris, DW and Hell Fallen + Enter the Filth normal.

I died once in Polaris, twice or there times in DW and once in HF. In HF, however, I died because I wa typing in group chat and didn't react quick enough to dodge a bomb. A big portion of DW was done three man, though. :P

I would like to point out that this was immensely fun and that you guys are amazing!

Because when we were done, all of us were quite in a hurry, Kiss, Zyso, ty and Woan, I'll have the promised Fish & Chips servings delivered to you! :D

I'll log back in to the game a bit later and if there are still people interested in running some elites, I'll gladly do it.

Greatly appreciate all your help, Swords!

Re: Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:16 pm
by Sep
Glad to hear you got some done and had fun!

Re: Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:13 am
by Woan
It was my pleasure. Have you done more elites, meanwhile? If you need me again just say so. :)

Re: Tasty Elites with noobie SofCa this Saturday

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:42 pm
by SofCa
Unfortunately, no, I didn't get the chance to run more elites. But looking forward to it! :D