Nine Swords • Builds WIP - Page 2
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Re: Builds WIP

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:33 pm
by Didaskalos
I've been playing AR + Chaos so far while unlocking the entire inner circle (of which I'm at 5.5/9). Since I've been hanging around in Kingsmouth while I do this, the combination is quite delicious: open on groups with a chaos AoE builder and then unload an AR AOE exploiter and finish anything left standing off with a Chaos attack to the face. For solo encounters, I pull from a delicious distance with AR builders then drop a sticky grenade and chaos exploiter. If necessary, I've got a PBAoE hinder/damage to help slow heavy hitters down while I get to a safer distance. So far the synergies have been on weakness and hinder.

Once I've got the whole inner circle unlocked, I'll start playing around more with synergies and building a tank spec and a heal spec.

Re: Builds WIP

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:06 pm
by Dionysus
I have been focusing on blades with a little hint of pistols. So far I have done very well with it in PvP, usually takes multiple people to stop me. The disables and gap closers are crucial! I'm building up for the Paladin deck for PvE, I think that will suite me.

Re: Builds WIP

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:14 pm
by Kotts
I'm thinking about doing something with Ele Ar for when it gets zergy in Fusang. Hinders and glass cannon it. Tons of aoe possibilities with them both

Re: Builds WIP

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:24 pm
by Dionysus
Kotts wrote:I'm thinking about doing something with Ele Ar for when it gets zergy in Fusang. Hinders and glass cannon it. Tons of aoe possibilities with them both
Would be devastating.

I'll be going heals after I finish this build up. I am always itching to heal :D

Re: Builds WIP

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:35 pm
by Kotts
I really love the paper rock scissors balance they struck with the gear. You have to even tweak your secondary stats just right to make a build work right...

Re: Builds WIP

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:15 pm
by lonnolan
Working solely AR honestly at the moment, getting a combo of both hard hitting attacks plus healing abilities to pull double duty while in groups. The anima shot is the best attack to use 90 percent of the time with my setup so far due to being able to build up rifle resources while at the same time doing heavy damage and healing either myself or a targeted ally.

Re: Builds WIP

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:39 pm
by Whitehall1
I have assault rifle and pistols at the moment. In Beta it was fist and pistols. I like the range of the rifle and various effects

Re: Builds WIP

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:20 pm
by Deutch
I've gone full blades tank spec and am actually loving it for solo. The self heals come in clutch for solo play and reduce downtime. Once you get it so glancing attacks cause return damage/inhibited state, and that in turn causes you to trigger a heal, the grind becomes terrific. As for a tank spec, I've had zero threat and survivability issues in Polaris and Inferno thus far. Not to say I've never wiped - but that was more because of mechanics than spec issues. :)

Re: Builds WIP

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:26 pm
by Templar Grail
Well ... I went Pistol Blood for a a sexy look.. Standing there with two pistols out is just dam sexy... I can see the NPC's femails stearing... especially Lady Beatrix she wants me I know.

If you can't look good and sexy while splat-erring zombies you might as well stay home... :)

Blood on the other hand. even though it has a few nice cool and sexy attacks I hate pausing and standing there saying "FABIOULOUSE!!!!"

Second Circle Blood heals can be sweet in group runs.

My Passives come from blade/pistol/elemental/and blood I am a chain/affliciton AOE Crit montset with huge survival capabilities. 3 builds pvp/pve/groups.

PVE solo I use my AOE's and DOT's Dirty tricks tied with Elemental Toxic Earth and my Chains with Elemental passive that gives chains Affliciton.
PVP I go healer spec using AOE Heals and bubbles, my chainsDots, and switch Toxic Earth/Dirty tricks for coagulation and Cardiac Arrest to
Groups I mix my pve/pvp wiht AOE/chain heals and AOE/chain damage.

All my builds have built in Passives that self heal/bubble me... :)